OT - Listening to WCOP....

Started by Bob Paulin, May 27, 2004, 02:55:09 PM

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Bob Paulin

While there actually used to be a WCOP radio station outside Boston where I grew up, the one I'm listening to right now is the Maine State Police on the scanner.

It's Memorial Day weekend, and the tourists - some call them "summer complaints" - are beginning to arrive in Maine

I live within a mile of an Interstate 95 exit, and when the State Troopers do their "bear-in-the-air" thing, the plane usually circles over my house and shop for hours....which is a good warning for me when I leave to go north on I-95.

Apparently, today, they are shooting 'em up....and, I would venture that they will stay busy all weekend.

The guy in the air gives out a description, a ticket number, and the car's speed....such as "black car, right driving lane, number 1985, 88 mph."

Nothing under 80 mph is, apparently, being stopped....but I've heard a couple of 90+ mph's.

The cruisers on the ground then report back "stats" which include whether it was a Maine resident or non-resident, and what the ticket was written for....speed, passing on the right, brake light out, etc.

Maybe Maine residents, the state with the second-highest tax burden in the country, will be getting a rebate from the fines assessed to the non-residents???


But, I'd hate to think what my tax burden would be like were it not for the "contributions" of these non-residents.

One guy was clocked at 90mph, then the air bear reported that he suddenly slowed. Then he reported that the car took the exit.

Well, the RCMP has nothing on the Maine State Police when it comes to getting their man. One of the Staties pursued this guy - who probably looked in his mirror and said to himself, "I'm glad he wasn't behind me on the highway" -  and caught him on US Route 201 heading into the city.

Right now, it seems as though one guy's luck is holding, as the air bear is calling, "Anybody available?", and getting no answer.

One cruiser just called back, but the plane said disregard.....so, the luckiest man in Maine continues northbound up I-95.

For those who don't know, when you see broad paint stripes in the breakdown lane about every quarter-mile, that is what the air bear uses to clock you....so, if you see these stripes, don't be surprised if you crest a hill and find a greeting committee of uniformed state employees.

My favorite tourist slogan is,:

Keep Maine Green.....Spend Money!!!

Bob Paulin
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


The toledo police do that on the last three miles of I75 going into Michigan, southbound. The speed limit drops from 70 to 65 to 60 in less than a mile. Last week in one day they ticketed 485 drivers, all but 15 for speeding. The other 15 were trucks ticketed for "impeding traffic" for  driving the speed limit side by side to keep cars from getting a ticket. Truck speed limit, 55.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.