Hunnert Car Pile-up

Started by msuguydon, October 09, 2007, 06:46:13 PM

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58 Yeoman

Don, you should drive the '58 up there.  I've been there a couple times, and they have a really big grassy parking lot for all the cars that don't fit their criterial.  I've just left my 58 in the lot, and once left the Goldwing there.  They do have some neat cars/trucks, and you might get to watch the flame throwers.

I don't know yet if I'll make it or not (it's only 50 miles from me), as I've been remodelling the kitchen, and don't know if I'll be at a point that I can leave.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "msuguydon"

I am gonna be brutally honest.  In a word... NO

I find traditional hot rods very cool. In general I buy into those wacky HAMB'ers belief that car shows are lame,

Where is the world did you get the idea that HAMB folks think car shows are lame??  Hundreds, almost a thousand, will be at the HCP...which is a car show, just like BilletProof, Lonestar Roundup, Jalopy Showdown, etc.  LAME??  You've got to be kidding.

but I am a gold chainer... no if's and or butts about it... your honor, guilty as charged, I throw myself on the mercy of the court.

You might think your a "gold chainer" or you might feel like one BUT to be honest gold chainers do not drive 4 doors nor are they afraid to "take" their cars to car shows.

When I go to the local lame * car shows I get frustrated and want to leave in 20 minutes but I am unwilling/afraid to drive the boat more than an hour or so away from my home.

Hence the reason you continue to attend lame * local events.  

I have not tatoos, I come from the corporate world... the Cool Kids will beat me up and steal my lunch money.  I just know it will happen.

I live in the corporate world as well, always have, always will.  I do not have tatts either yet I am accept in the "Cool Kids" world because I am a nice person, not because of the way I look or dress BECAUSE as far as most of the younger folks are concerned, I probably dress too "normal".

I will be bummed all day on Saturday cuz I know all of you are having a great time... I will be weeding the garden or cleaning the pool.  UGGGG

Yep, you'll be bummed thinking about the great time you could have been having, meeting new friends and talking hot rods.

I am an odd ball, a loner, a misfit in the car world....

Hence the reason you are not going, has nothing to do with the teh "cool kinds" or your car, you just don't feel like socializing at all.

Please don't hate me.

Why would I, or anyone else feel any different about you.  It's your life and if you want to live in your little one hour from home world so be it.

I am what I am.. and I love my 4 door, Sedan...

and ALL the folks that made comments on your HAMB thread also made positive comments about the car and wanted you to bring it whether it was "granted" admission or not.  

Your going to do in life what you want to I just don't understand why you even bothered making that post on the HAMB if in fact you had no plans on attending.  Why in the world would a loner ask for a ride from a complete stranger??  and if in fact you don't think your car would make it that far why not just drive your daily and enjoy all the otehr cars and people that will be there?

I've been going since the beginging, missing 2003 and 2005 cuz I was out of town.  For one reason or another I've never taken Big Odls and once again he is not going this year cuz he's in TX.  Does that mean I need to stay home and feel sorry for myslef cuz I have to drive my daily driver??  No way, I'm going to have fun with friends. both old and new, before the cold winter months set in.  Life too short to sit at home in front of the TV and on the computer and grow old.  I can do that when the snow flys.

Have fun this weekend no matter what you end up doing....I know I will.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "jusjunk"[Well id bet I would but my cars dont cause I like nice things.. I dont plan to BS anyone with hub caps instead of really nice after market wheels to get in thier show..  

Dave, sometimes you are just full of BS.  More then HALF of the cars at the HCP will be painted shiny and nicely done, and CHOOSING to run steel wheels and hubcaps is a persons choice.  If YOU choose nice after market wheels on your car then that is YOUR choice.

Wheels should suit the car's style.  Looking forward to seeing these "nice aftermarket wheels" on your roadster.  I'm sure your going to start a new going with 18's and 20's?? :roll:

If you don't get it or like it thats fine but why critizine great shows that you have never been too?
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "EMSjunkie"

As are 90% of us here 8)

you are not alone, we got yer back Bro. :D


I'm going to have to respectly disagree with your percentage there bud.  The majority of us here on the RRT are social creatures, not loners.  We are here on this site to meet new friends, communicate with old and to generally chat about cars.  We also get together in person when we can.  Loners don't do that.

Now the lurkers are a different story.  For whatever reason they choose to stay in the background.  Don't really know if they consider themselves loners or not BUT because of their lack of participation I would hap-hazzard a guess and say they are.  We will really not know though.

I will be in Austin next Friday for the Day of the Drags weekend...actually Temple I guess it is.  You planning on going by chance?
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Quote from: "EMSjunkie"

but, I am tatto'd, and wear a silver chain :roll:


That ain't a chain.............It's a leash............And a short one at that... :wink:  :lol:
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "msuguydon"Any of you Kools Kats, Dad dee-O's go to this "show"  I am kinda interested in going but am afraid that my gold chain and lack of tatoos will get me beat up.. thoughts?

Hey Don.  
Tattoos don't make the man, and neither do gold chains, jalopies, trailer queens, billet, patina, rolled up jeans with black shoes or Izod shirts.
Hell, I'd like to be in a position where I could wear expensive gold chains and dump 100K down on a state of the art hot rod. Alot of us would. Would I wear those chains and drive that car? Most definitely not; but I do envy the person who is successful enough to live like that.

As far as tattoos go, I personally don't have one. I don't care for them myself, but I don't put down anyone who has them. But for someone to judge me because of the lack of tattoos, the kind of hot rod I drive or the clothes and jewelry I wear shows a shallowness and ignorance on their part, and I consider it their loss, not mine. Maybe if folks would look beneath the surface once in a while and quit worrying about whether someone "Fits in" with the latest fad or style that they are judging people by, there'd be alot more knowledge, ideas and friendships spread amongst all of us.

I wasn't put here to please anyone with my tats, car or wallet. I wear what I want, drive what I want and present my self the way I want to, and certainly not to the tune of what alot of other people say I should be driving, doing or wearing.

It's no fun sitting at home waiting for the right show to come along that lets you 'Fit in'. Crash the party. Be the rebel. But be yourself, not what everyone else says you have to be. If you want to go, then go; if not then don't. But do it because of what YOU want, not what others want.
You drive what you drive because that's what you like. Don't let anyone else stand in the way of that. If they don't like it, P!SS on them. One of these days, they'll grow up.

BTW-I'm taking my 55 Pontiac 4 door to the Tampa show, 1-because I can, and 2-because they raised the cut-off year for entries and it'll surely p!ss off a few of the old school pre-48 folks, and 3-because I don't give a rats * what anyone thinks. I plan on having fun regardless. You go do the same... );b(
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


QuoteThat ain't a chain.............It's a leash............And a short one at that

You nailed it! I met his wife, there is a choke collar too, and he seems to enjoy it. :shock:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I have a pink, prostreet Marlin, with a chevy engine. And I enter it in Mopar country just to make people mad.

Funny story, back in 2000, when they opened the new Jeep plant here in Toledo, they called and invited me to bring my Marlin for the grand opening ceremonies. Prime rib dinner, Mayor of Toledo, Governor of Ohio, Chairman of DalmierChrysler, the whole nine yards. when I showed up with a Pink Marlin, with Chevy power, the chairman of the grand opening committee was in a panic, It wasn't what he expected. He thought I had a restored stocker. He graciously invited me in, and directed me to a parking space right in front. And asked me not to tell anyone it was Chevy powered. I didn't fit in, but I had fun!!
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I guess I turned off the computer a little early last night, to watch the football game and missed the fireworks.

I certainly did not try to offend anyone and if I did, I apologize for that.

I have to remind myself that sarcasm, tongue and cheek humor does not translate well in an internet post or an e-mail.

I would like to address a couple of points that Denise brought up, just for clarity purposes, not to argue a point.

Denise you asked why I even bothered to post on the HAMB if I had not intention of going.  I did have intention of going, I was asking if I could get a ride from someone because I did not feel comfortable driving my car.  The couple of people that did offer me rides are leaving at times that conflict with my working schedule and are staying longer than I really want to stay. (p.s. comments about me being a loner, hmmmm if I am asking total strangers for a ride in there car for 8 plus hours should say a little about my ability to socalize and being outgoing)

My fear of driving my car is 1/3 part internet "sthick".. and 2/3 parts reality.  I love driving my car but the couple of times that I have gone some distance I have run into problems.  When I saw on the HAMB that there was a caravan of cars going from INDY, that seemed like a great alternative, I could drive my car and have some piece of mind that if I had a problem that I would have help close at hand.  

I discovered the caravan yesterday at lunch, they are leaving this morning at 10:00AM, again work conflicts and at this point I have no place reserved to stay.  It's just poor planning on my part.

Let's address my fearing of driving my car.  Although I have worked hard with this car and spent many hours,building, rebuilding and tinkering am I truly a novice when it comes to drive line issues.  I did not build/construct the drive train, the more I become familiar with the workmanship of the previous owner the more nervous I have become.  When I go to events my sons want to come with Dad, and I want them to come with me.  I do not want them or me to get hurt.  This summer has been a shake down cruise, even to the point of paying trained, licensed mechanics to go over my brake system and front-end (them finding lots of little issues, and some big issues that I have addressed).   I could go on... all I am trying to say is caution might be a wise move for a little bit longer.  

As far as the Tats, gold chains, cool kid comments... again (Dummy, said to myself) sarcasm does not always transfer on the internet.

I am extending an olive branch to Denise and any others that I offended.
Would plastic be okay for you today?

Proud Member of Team Smart


Quote from: "HotRodLadyCrusr"
Quote from: "jusjunk"[Well id bet I would but my cars dont cause I like nice things.. I dont plan to BS anyone with hub caps instead of really nice after market wheels to get in thier show..  

Dave, sometimes you are just full of BS.  More then HALF of the cars at the HCP will be painted shiny and nicely done, and CHOOSING to run steel wheels and hubcaps is a persons choice.  If YOU choose nice after market wheels on your car then that is YOUR choice.

Wheels should suit the car's style.  Looking forward to seeing these "nice aftermarket wheels" on your roadster.  I'm sure your going to start a new going with 18's and 20's?? :roll:

If you don't get it or like it thats fine but why critizine great shows that you have never been too?

Ya i can be full of bs that the fun part in me and sometimes even in person you dont get the humor  :lol:  :lol:   I am allowed to state my opinion.. Thats what i did and it was more directed to the billet proff shows not the pile up..  Its just seems interesting that you cant run a wheel thats patterened after the one made years ago.  But thats what they choose and so be it. They are the ones missing out on the fun not me..  If youd bother to look At the posts of my current build you would see the wheels and know they arent 18's and 20's..  Any way have fun im not going simply because I have stuff to do.
Dave :arrow:  :wink:


Quote from: "msuguydon"

I am extending an olive branch to Denise and any others that I offended.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not offended.  I'm a firm beleiver in folks can do whatever they want whether I understand it or not. :wink:

You feel your car isn't long distance roadworthy, then throw the cooler, a couple of chairs and your son in your daily driver and come enjoy the event.  I don't have kids but the thought of a father and his son walking around a car show such as the HCP TOGETHER and checking out all the cars for a day, makes me tingle-y all over.  You son would have dreams all winter long of what kind of hot rod he's going to build some day.

Right as you enter the gate there is a grassy treed spot on the right that they do not allow cars to park on.  It's where the HAMB meet & greet is.  It's also where alot of folks without cars put their coolers and chairs so they have a place to come back to to sit a relax abit.  Kinda a home-y picnic like feel to the event.

Well you still have a day to decide.  If you choose to go then I'm looking forward to meeting you.  If not, perhaps our paths will cross one day.

BTW, I do not know how to fix most roadside breakdowns.  Still does not stop me from driving.  Safety issues on the other hand must be dealt with before driving the car down the block let alone across the state and I hope you get everything straightened out and taken care of this winter so you can enjoy next years cruzn season stressfree.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.



Don't sweat not having a car to go. Ask Denise, Fat Cat, enjenjo, or any of the guys on here that have met me. I go to as many shows as I can in the year. My 12 (today) year old and 14 year old go with me to EVERY single one AND they help stuff HAMB calendars in December.

My 12 year old (did I mention it was his birthday TODAY) takes the digital camera or a disposable one and shoots all the shots he can. Check out my photobucket Danimal_9395 and most of the pictures from Billetproof 07 and the Screamin Demon show were taken by him. The boys have fun talking cars and checking them out. They can carry on a conversation with a someone fully sleeved in tats and usually end up working deals on parts with them.

Ever trip so far has been in a 2004 Chevy Trailblazer while the '54 more door Bel Air stays close to home.

Denise does tingle when she see's my kids, I witnessed it last Saturday at ididit!

If you go to HCP this year in an '83 Escort, it might give you the incentive to plan to go next year in a '58 Chevy.