Trans fluid recommendations

Started by trackster, September 06, 2007, 12:27:41 AM

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Putting a rebuilt 200-4R in my pickup and wondered what tranny fluid you would recommend.  Type, brand, etc.  Also, what is the capacity, in quarts?  Thanks for any info you can give.
I am CDO, kinda like OCD, but in alphabetical order, like it should be!


Gary; Sorry, I can't help with the fluid amount needed but will say that my 700 took 12/14 qts with a dry converter, if I remember correctly. I will state that the synthetic stuff is always recommended as a better heat dissipater ("they" say) but according too the brain trust here, I believe I was told that I could receive the benefits of synthetic with a 50/50 mix of it and the dyno stuff.
I think I bought mine at Sams or Costco as one seems to be as good as the next. Hope this is a little insight...................Frank
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