What a day

Started by phat46, May 01, 2004, 10:52:58 PM

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Today was graduation day for my daughter. A half hour before we were to leave to travel to AnnArbor, Mi., 4:30 A.M., we got a phone call that my wifes brother had passed away an hour earlier. It wasn't unexpected, as he as he has been very ill for a while, just untimely. This changed not only travel plans, but naturally the whole complexion of the day.
Of course from here the day just went from bad to worse, the temperature changed 20 degrees (lower) to the mid 40's by commencement time. And the rain was off and on, as was the wind.
The commencement was outdoors so it was at least uncomfortable.
The high point of the ceremony was the speaker, David E. Davis, founder and editor of Automobile magazine.  Not only was he entertaining, he had a great message to the grads about success. He was also recieving an honorary doctorate from the University.
All in all, it was a strange day, the loss of my brother in law being so sad and the joy of hearing my daughters name being called at college graduation made the day almost surreal.


Sorry to hear about your BIL. Congratulations to your daughter.We were up your way today, My MIL's house just went on the market, so we were cleaning it out.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Wow, like you said Joe....what a day :?  When a day like that comes around it's a reminder that life has many faces.  Please accept my condolences and congratulations.


My thoughts and prayers are with you and congratulations to your daughter.Seems this is how things work out sometimes in the circle of life.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Bruce Dorsi

I offer my sincere condolences to you and your family for the loss of your wife's brother.

It is sad that your brother-in-law's passing had to overshadow the joy of your daughter's accomplishment.
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


I've like to echo the sediments of those stated already.  My condolences to your family on the loss of a loved one and congrats to your daughter for an awesome accomplishment.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Life sure does throw some curves at times................
Our condolences and best wishes for you and your family in this time of loss,and contratulations to your daughter for all the hard work.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I relate to your day.
One of my favorite uncles died on my birthday a few years back
Like George said, life is many things to us.
Congratulations to your daughter, and condolences to your family on the loss.
Life in the fast lane aint so great. Just ask the opossum


Thanks to all for the sentiments, it's nice to know I can share things with the folks here.
Yesterday was not the only weird day combining death and college. In 1995 we took my older daughter to an out of state university on the day of my dads funeral, a really strange day, to say the least! That day was in the back of my mind all day yesterday.


Sorry to hear of the down side of your day and your family's loss.  On the other side of the coin, my youngest daughter also graduated from college this weekend.  She was carrying 15 hours (5 classes) commuting an hour and a half each way to school and working about 30 hours a week.  We were both glad to see that come to an end.  Now they can catch their breath and move on the the next phase of their life.  Congrats.

Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50