Hot Rod Girl's new ride

Started by Fat Cat, April 23, 2004, 02:21:55 PM

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Fat Cat

I know that George posted a picture of it already but I figured I would get a few daylight shots of it after I got the forks all done. It is now complete and ready to ride. I think she is going to ride the wheels off it.

I have to add a Thanks to Glen and Brian for inspiring me to build such a creation.


Pretty slick lookin bike there Shelby.

The "S" is a nice touch, but I don't think she needed it to be able to tell her bike apart from everybody elses.....


The pictures do NOT do that bike justice. That is one SWEET ride for a very sweet little girl..........Congratulations on your new ride Shelby!
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


This is between me and the cat... your welcome and i get to ride it at the next bbq build off.... Fore i have a lot o beer  :lol:
Dave :wink:


Great job, Dude...It's really something to be proud of...She'll have to do an extra good job brushing her teeth at night, 'cause she'll be riding all day long with a huge smile on her face...I don't drink, but Ill buy you one next go 'round in Loo'vul this year... :D  :D  :D
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Quote from: "Sean"Pretty slick lookin bike there Shelby.

The "S" is a nice touch, but I don't think she needed it to be able to tell her bike apart from everybody elses.....
:b-d:  \" I GOTTS NOMOBUX \" :b-d: