Got home tonite and there was a big box behind the house !

Started by Dave, December 15, 2006, 05:49:46 PM

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Huh  :cry:  :cry:  It was xmas presents from the step daughter and not part of my speedway order :cry:  :cry:
Oh well I gots lots to do anyway....... Thinkin i need to make another doctor visit also. Sweating like crazy .. Palms sweat too . Last time this happened you know what happened....... The box wasnt big enuff for a blower so i wonder what the kid got me???????
Dave :lol:  :lol: :?:


Hoo rah for the box. Boo sis for the sweats. Hope you're ok.


be happy it is not an appliance box for you to live in...


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)