More tranny questions

Started by DRD57, April 18, 2004, 09:15:59 PM

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This came out of the TH350 that I've been rebuilding in my spare time for the past month.

What is it?

What does it do?

Where does it go specifically? I know it goes between the case and the pressure plate of the last clutch pack in the back of the trans but I don't remember if it was on the top or bottom or what.


Tony, is that in every 350?  I've rebuilt a couple that didn't have it, most did.  Not sure if the couple that didn't have it had been into by someone and it got left out or it just didn't come that way.  It didn't look like they had been opened before.


That's what I thought.   Luckily the place I get my parts has them so I was able to replace them.