Well Tuesday will be 30 years

Started by moparrodder, April 17, 2004, 10:57:22 PM

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Congratulations on hitting such a great milestone!  Joyce and I are empty nesters too and haven't felt any guilt at all about it.  Also, successfully launching kids to become self-sufficient, contributing members of the tax base is a wonderful experience. :wink:  :b-d:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR  ...is something you pay when you get on the bus!


Congrats!  Its pretty rare now adays.  We are sneaking up on 25 next year. Been together for over 30...were the h ell did the time go?  Funny thing i did in the winter that allmost got me in deep trouble.  During one of our wonderful snow storms i opened another savings account so we could travel someplace nice for our 25th....well i hid it from the wife and i dont hide anything from her.  She asked who the other women was that i had to hide money when the statemnet came.  opppps  cat was out of the bag and she laughed.  May you have another 30 years!!! :D
Old racers go in deep and come out hard



Oh yeah, did I mention, Im 30 years old?!?!?!?!