O/T ok ill admit it.

Started by Dave, October 27, 2006, 05:58:17 PM

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My one Son is Diabetic and Insulin dependant.  I would take my heart disease any day over what he has to live with on a daily basis. He has to inject himself about 3 times a day, has to count every carb he digests, has terrible swings in the levels in his system, and we have had to call 911 several times because he goes low and becomes comatose.

Me, I pop a few pills a day and generally live a pretty normal life, and I would take his disease away from him in a heartbeat if I could.  Life is very relative. We all think our problems are really bad, but there are always people out there who would jump into our shoes if given the chance.

The heart thing is certainly not good, and I know what will eventually do me in, but in the meantime, I'm pretty lucky to have survived the heart attack. 50% of those who have one don't.



The best thing about this forum is that you can read it and always see that if you think you have it bad you can always find someone that has it worse and doesn't think he has it too bad. The start of this forum brings to mind the WORDS of a popular song (not the girl dancing to it) "I don't want to be your hero" GPster


Quote from: "petrolhead"Dave hang in there and I hope all goes well. I can understand where you are coming from as 4 days ago I had a 2 inch diameterBrain Tumor removed and still have a scone full of stapels. I will have to have ray treatment as well but am feeling fine

Dammm I hope all goes well with you too. This board is great. I just realized though that if we took a poll most of us are screwed up.. :lol:  :lol:
The other ones just hang out here cause they really do like us...
Dave :wink:  :arrow:


Don my boss at work had type two diabetes(controlled by diet) but he ignored his diet, ate junk food, drank beer etc now he is type one(needles). Prior to my operation they had me on some steroids to reduce brain swelling(3weeks) that fooled around with my glucose levels. I could not eat enough(quadrupled my food intake)and the strangest thing was that I lost 10 kilos(put my metabolism into overdrive) Basically I became Diabetic and couldn't control it by diet. One afternoon my levels were 19, the next morning it was 9 and 2pm the next day it was 2!!! Had I not of been on anti-seizure medication I would of had seizures and even coma. Down in Oz diabetics have to pay for there needles but if you are a junkie then they give them to you for free, go figure
"Dare to be different,No Cookie Cutter Car for Me"


Dave----At 60 yrs young, surviving Viet Nam, agent orange, lungs with asbestos ,three heart attacks and a quad bypass six years ago, smashing both shoulders and the list goes on. I think life is wonderful. I am blessed to wake up on the right side of the grass each day. I have built a different car every winter for six years because I am retired and can. This winters will be a street rod.
Remember when you look in the mirror each morning you lookin at the guy that is most responsible for your day! MAKE IT A GOOD ONE! I start out each day not knowing what to do and I still don't get it done!
Keep the faith and best wishes Curt


all you elderly guys here we may need to have a medical section on the board....... LOL just kidding!

although that EMS guy could moderate it.

I've been on cholesterol meds for over 12 years. Diet and exercise did nearly nothing to improve my blood numbers. At 40 yrs of age my overall  ratio was   6.7 to 1 ....... that is not a good number. I am now at 3 to 1 ratio

I have a few folks tell me there are underlying damages from the meds that are as bad as the buildup of gunk in my arteries.  Yet no body can give me hard proof of that.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I had a customer in my office a couple of days last week, as we are working on his boat.  He is probably in his early 80's and has had a heart transplant. He has the heart of a 36 year old beating in him. But he pulled out a big bag of pills that last him one month, and they are to keep his system from rejecting the heart.  He also has prostate cancer, skin cancer very badly on his face, high blood pressure, and now they suspect lung cancer, and he is diabetic.

He is the most upbeat guy I have ever met.  He was rushing us to get his boat done so he could go fishing a few times before one of these ailments takes him.  I told him I totally respect him because of his attitude, and he said he is a fighter.

When he left my office I felt so in awe of him for being as strong as he is. Most other people would have folded, but not him.  Oh, and he works every day too.

So what room do I have to feel bad for myself??
