It's a PARTY

Started by KustomLincolnLady, October 06, 2006, 10:37:39 PM

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Everythings ready, looks like great weather!!!!!!! YIPPEE  :lol:
Can't wait to see everyone.


As I related to Frank the other night at CHAT sitting in a car for 6 hours and looking at food that I shouldn't eat is not in my best interest medically. Seeing everyone would be good psycologically but it will have to wait to re-build BBQ trailer time. I wonder if you can BBQ over VW engine blocks. I think there are some in a golf cart out west. Have a good time and don't waste any of it missing me. I'll make up by missing youll twice as much. GPster


Dont worry Joe I missed it too. It was such a beautiful day that I went to the ididit show in the morning and was home at 1 in the afternoon with all my junk outta the garage and welding and grinding on my frame for the roadster. I just couldnt see driving all the way to FtWayne with the weather so nice. I got a lot done till Sue came home and told me i needed to take her out to dinner. Sorry we missed the party and all the good people again but it had to be done. Im sure everyone had fun without us :?:  :arrow:  
Dave :!:  :idea:  :arrow:


Well, I made it. Went to Ididit, left at one, and made it to Deb and Rob's house for the party. It was a great day.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"Well, I made it. Went to Ididit, left at one, and made it to Deb and Rob's house for the party. It was a great day.

Sorry I missed you at Ididit Frank. What a great turnout :!:  I just walked and talked and admired all the nice cars. Im gettin Ideas..  Ive been talking to a guy I met about 4 years ago and he used to have a 32 5 window. He loves my coupe and has asked me several times if I want to sell it
Well I gave him my number yesterday and we will see what happens. If he has enuff money and he does and he knows what it would cost to build one ill maybe let mine go :!:
Dave :!:  :idea:  :arrow: