work on the coupe

Started by Daveyboy, October 07, 2006, 04:35:37 PM

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Well i set the eng and trans. (need a thiner trans mount) I need a 1 inch thick mount. but here are some pic of the eng and trans in. I moved the eng mounts up about 2 inch so i can use a big dizzy and long water mount. Moved the cross member up 2 inch also. Well had Squeak Bell set it up 2inch from the get go.


Please refresh my memory: what brand of body are you using?


its a body from Aus. called Rod bods
It has no wood in it at all
And it has steel in the doors for side impact.
Looks like a good body doors hung nice and trunk hung with alm. hinges


Car looks GREAT! If you don't mind me asking.....what was the cost of the body and did you buy it from GMT/Duece Customs in California?
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


the Body is a Body down under. I got it from Squeak Bell in Backerfield Ca.price was $7900.00


Looks good Davey.....I should prolly get some pics of mine again today. Im doing some stuff to the frame that I want to do then ill be close to getting it blasted then primed. Good deal on the extra clearance for the dizzy. I went with a smaller dizzy on my coupe but the other option was a little set back area to clear it. I did that on a t bucket years ago and on my 30 model a.
Dave :!:  :idea:  :arrow: