Thieves just plain suck

Started by Fat Cat, September 10, 2006, 11:30:31 PM

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Fat Cat

Bonneville Salt Flats Sign Stolen During Speedweek

Contact: BLM Ranger Randy Griffin, 801-977-4314

Salt Lake City, Utah—Aug. 29, 2006—The Bureau of Land Management's Salt Lake Field Office reports that a recreation area road sign (pictured below) was stolen from the Bonneville Salt Flats by persons unknown sometime between August 12 and August 16, 2006. The brand new sign was recently installed by BLM staff and was stolen sometime during the annual Speedweek racing event. Estimated replacement cost is $1000.

The BLM Salt Lake Field Office and the Southern California Timing Association (organizers of Speedweek) are each offering a $250 reward for any information leading to the arrest or conviction of those responsible.

Anyone with information about this crime is urged to contact BLM Ranger Randy Griffin at 801-977-4314. All tips will be kept strictly confidential.


yes thieves do.

lets buy a new sign for them

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


When I left the salt on Friday, I was going to stop to take a picture of the sign and I saw that it had been stolen.  I was thinking at the time that this kind of stuff probably leaves a bad taste with the Department of the Interior who allows us to use the salt.  I'm sure there are a few people who know where that sign is.

I saw a lot of spots where cars had gone off the road and done donuts in the salt and mud too.  There's big signs telling people not to do that.


I hope they catch the culprits! That said,this post reminds me of a night when I was young and had a few too many beers.A couple of my buddies and I decided to drive around the area and have a little fun.....over the next several hours we proceeded to remove all of the city limit signs from  the surrounding communities and put them back up outside of the wrong towns.This would have been confusing enough had I lived in the middle of the state but the fact that our little town borders two other states made it even more fun.I remember running out of the ditch,ratchet in hand,and loosening the bolts inbetween cars just like it was yesterday!As I recall,we made all of the local papers...If I recall correctly, they even offered some type of reward for our capture :shock: At the time,it seemed harmless but I'm sure it created a bit of work for the various state and county employees who had to straighten it back out :) I am only telling this story now becuase I'm sure the statute of limitations has expired :P
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"