A Sign of Retirement..................

Started by 1FATGMC, July 10, 2006, 05:05:40 PM

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I spent the last couple days making this sign and one like it for the other side.

Hopefully about the 1st of the year I will be out of the trading post business and into full time car stuff.  I just couldn't stand it to see all the rest of you old farts retiring without me 8) .

c ya, Sum

phat rat

WOW that's quit a change especially with the store right next door.  I retired the end of Jan and haven't regreted it a bit :D  :D  :D . WELCOME to retirement.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


I planned to work until I was 65, but I did the math with a guy I work with who just retired, and he convinced me to do it at 62 and 1/2.  I just turned 61, so in another year and  a half I plan on making the big move.

A couple of things convinced me.  First of all, if I work until I am 65 I will pass up about $ 1000.00 per month for those 2 1/2 years, or about  $ 30K. But the additional money I get when I am 65 won't be enough to make up that $ 30 K until I am like 75. Hell, I don't figure I will live that long.

Secondly, I see major changes in my body in even the last 5 years. I have begun to feel my age, and want to retire while I still have some quality of health left to enjoy my retirement.  At 65 I may not have the strength or health to pursue the hobbies I like (such as building cars).

That being said, I have worked all my life, and like to work. It gives me direction and income. So I wil not stop working altogether. I will find something to do on the side, cash money preferably.......like Ebay, and suppliment my income that way.

You guys that have retired are smart, and I realize some adjustment in my mindset will have to occur.  I know so many people who retire and then just fold up.  I don't plan on that happening, there are still street rods and a couple of 20 year old blondes in my future.  Oh, oh, I'm going senile already. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Quote from: "donsrods"A couple of things convinced me.  First of all, if I work until I am 65 I will pass up about $ 1000.00 per month for those 2 1/2 years, or about  $ 30K. But the additional money I get when I am 65 won't be enough to make up that $ 30 K until I am like 75. Hell, I don't figure I will live that long.Don

Those things convince me also along with the fact I was working for about $5.00 an hour in the store.  If the store (tourist business) was as good as it was before 9-11 I would probably not take Soc. Sec. until 66 and would have had someone working in the store 90% of the time and me 10%, but that isn't the case, so this seems like the best thing to do.

c ya in retirement,



Good luck Sum.

I sure hope you continue to host and lead a pre-B'ville tour in the future still.  Roadstar and I have already begun to make plans and save for 2007 and your place before hand I consider one of the highlites of the whole trip.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


well, good for you sum!

wish i could make b'ville but unless something drastic happens, bonneville ain't.

uh, you got the car done yet?
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


Quote from: "tomslik"well, good for you sum!

wish i could make b'ville but unless something drastic happens, bonneville ain't.

uh, you got the car done yet?

It won't be done until next year.  That is the reason I have to retire, so you still have a year to live up to your promise of being there when it first runs :wink: .

I can think of all kinds of "drastic happenings", which one should I tell you about so you make it this year.  When you finally go you are going to kick yourself for all the years you missed :cry: .  I lived for years in Wyoming and never made it now I'm sorry I didn't.

c ya, Sum


Sum, about retirement.

My dad worked until he was 65 mainly because they needed the income and he enjoyed working - no outside interests, hobbies, etc.  Well he lived for 8 months after retiring.  At 56 I got a golden handshake offer at the old nuke plant that allowed me to get a sack of money and retire.  I figure if I make it to 65 I got the gift of 9 years of doing what I want that my dad never had.  I can't go nuts with spending but we do fine and I get to play with my projects and travel.  And for the last year or so my old job has had me come out and work from a few weeks to a couple of months at a time.  Tomorrow morning will be my third time back with them and should last 2 or 3 weeks.  Its great.  I go in, do the job, make some good money, and leave with no headaches like I used to have.  All this to say GO FOR IT, which obviously is your plan.  I figure if I need to I can always find a way to generate a little income but being able to go and do without being tied to a regular job is terrific.
Salt Is Good... Mk 9:50


I know a lot of guys who retire have a hard time dealing with it.  There is no denying it is one of the big events in anyone's life.  Some people view it as the end of things, and now it is just a matter of time until the inevitable happens.  I have heard wives complain that he is "always underfoot" and doesn't know what to do with himself.

But when I think how much I enjoy my weekends and vacation, it is hard to imagine that I won't like not having to go to work every day.  Plus, I like to work on my projects, fish, boat, and goof off, so I think I will have no trouble adapting.

Obviously, I agree with what the others are telling you.........go for it. There is more to life than work.



Sum, I wish you a great retirement and I'm not too far behind you.

Don, those blondes are mine. :wink:

.... there are still street rods and a couple of 20 year old blondes in my future.  Oh, oh, I'm going senile already. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Bob K

I was gonna retire at 65 but got to thinking.

There is no way that I am gonna give up the


So when I am in town, I still work every day.

B 8) B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?

phat rat

So when I am in town, I still work every day.

Yes, but how often are you in town? We usually hear from you on the road!  :lol:  :lol:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "1FATGMC"

I spent the last couple days making this sign and one like it for the other side.

Hopefully about the 1st of the year I will be out of the trading post business and into full time car stuff.  I just couldn't stand it to see all the rest of you old farts retiring without me 8) .

c ya, Sum

Thats great Sum I hope it works for you Im just looking forward to going back to work for a while but i plan to retire early myself. Hopefully after this week ill have 4 more weeks of rehab then I can go back to work. Ill find out for sure next tuesday i think when i see the heart doctor. Id like to retire and fool around with cars too.


Good for you Sum, I'm sure you'll enjoy retirement more than working. It's said that no one ever said on their death bed..."Gee i wish I'd have spent more time working"  :lol:  
I might be "reitring" soon too, sooner than i want; the compnay I work for is on thin ice, not the whole company, just the shop i work at. Nearly everything we build goes straight to Mexico. Lately we've been shipping equiptment and supplies to China for our shop there. Today i did an inventory of supplies and equiptment to be shipped to our shop in the Czech Republic. It makes no sence to keep our shop open, even Mexico is having a hard time competing with Chinese wages and labor market. I'm hoping to get two more years in before they turn off the lights; I will be able to get into my 401K then. That and my severence package (30 yrs) might get me by for a while.  My wife isn't crazy about my plans to take my severance pay and use it to build a Speedway type kit car and sell it for a profit..... :roll: