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Started by Dave, June 27, 2006, 05:07:48 PM

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Just got  a call from cardiac rehab and ill be seeing them  for the first time next monday at 11am and thne for 6 more weeks 3 times a week. Im excited even though all ive done is sleep today


Quote from: "N8DC"Im excited even though all ive done is sleep today

Might as well stick with what you're good at... :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Glad to see you'll be up and around a little more. How much longer do you have to hug your sneeze pillow?
Hunting season is but a few months away. Rest up and rehab... :!:
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...


Glad to see you are excited about the rehab. It really makes a difference in the way you heal. It will also teach you that your heart is not as fragile as you might be fearing.

I've commented on here before that after my heart attack and angio-plasti, I started to get a little depressed and feeling my useful life was over. Everytime I would get a little twinge in my chest I was afraid it was happening all over again. The rehab helped with all that, and proved to me that I was all better.

Not only does your heart have to heal, so does your head. A heart attack is a very scary experience, and it takes time to regain your confidence.  For the first 10 years or so I would have a little party for myself on the anniversary of the attack. I would buy a cake and take it into work, and people would ask what the occasion was.  Now it is just another day, and I even forget the exact date.

The point is, you will heal just fine. Just take it easy for awhile and listen to the Doctors. 50% of the people who have heart attacks don't make it through the attack, so you and I are members of a pretty exclusive club.
Glad to have you as a member.



Quote from: "donsrods"Glad to see you are excited about the rehab. It really makes a difference in the way you heal. It will also teach you that your heart is not as fragile as you might be fearing.

I've commented on here before that after my heart attack and angio-plasti, I started to get a little depressed and feeling my useful life was over. Everytime I would get a little twinge in my chest I was afraid it was happening all over again. The rehab helped with all that, and proved to me that I was all better.

Not only does your heart have to heal, so does your head. A heart attack is a very scary experience, and it takes time to regain your confidence.  For the first 10 years or so I would have a little party for myself on the anniversary of the attack. I would buy a cake and take it into work, and people would ask what the occasion was.  Now it is just another day, and I even forget the exact date.

The point is, you will heal just fine. Just take it easy for awhile and listen to the Doctors. 50% of the people who have heart attacks don't make it through the attack, so you and I are members of a pretty exclusive club.
Glad to have you as a member.

Just the kind of reading i was looking for Don. Yep i was up half last night with a kink in my chest ? Think it may have sumpin to do woth the surgery and maybe the time frame it was done like not being scheduled? and right NOW>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The only thing here is im gonna get real bored and the new harley is in the garage and i was working on a new deck and i cant do either till i complete  my time and get my walking papers  :lol: Ill make cause i have to and i want to. Talked to work yesterday and they already want to know when im comming back. They werent reall happy when sue told em a minumim 6 weeks but oh well. Ya do what ya gotta do..


Quote from: "N8DC"Talked to work yesterday and they already want to know when im comming back. They werent reall happy when sue told em a minumim 6 weeks but oh well. Ya do what ya gotta do..

Pizonem! Nobody went to their grave saying, "Gee, I wish I spent more time at work".
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Quote from: "slocrow"
Quote from: "N8DC"Talked to work yesterday and they already want to know when im comming back. They werent reall happy when sue told em a minumim 6 weeks but oh well. Ya do what ya gotta do..

Pizonem! Nobody went to their grave saying, "Gee, I wish I spent more time at work".

Im with you Frank> I didnt talk to em sue did and she said they semed kinda upset on the time frame.  On the other hand the only way I could get realised to come home was for sue to garuntee them that she would be here with me 24-7 cause of the extra steps ect to move around the house although i only need 6 of em once to get in and out if i leave. She is on what they call family leave at work so she doesnt get any points on her record and no pay if she brings a doctors slip that she is caring for me. DID I tell you where she works ? Like they dont get the big pucture. Oh well My stepdaughter told sue the other night that id had enuff and was going to visit mom and dad and they told me i wasnt ready to visit yet.... Hummmm Wonder why i had to get the whole family in a frenzy then ? The oldest even flew in from seattle...... Maybe it because they love me but i dont wanna get carried away on that one.

Dave :?:

phat rat

Dave,  if I remember correctly you work in a GM plant as a union guy. So just think of this they can't get rid of you or take any action against you for being out. If you were not going back at all they would have someone to take your  place in a minute. In all my 43 years at where I worked I never saw anyone who was so indispensable that the place didn't run right when they were gone. So yes PISONEM! I also wouldn't push it to get back until the Doc was good and ready to release you to go back. There's more to life than your job and employer
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


Quote from: "phat rat"Dave,  if I remember correctly you work in a GM plant as a union guy. So just think of this they can't get rid of you or take any action against you for being out. If you were not going back at all they would have someone to take your  place in a minute. In all my 43 years at where I worked I never saw anyone who was so indispensable that the place didn't run right when they were gone. So yes PISONEM! I also wouldn't push it to get back until the Doc was good and ready to release you to go back. There's more to life than your job and employer

Nope small non union plant Jack.. 28 yrs in there...

Bob Paulin


That cardio-rehab works!

If it is anything similar to what my wife experienced, it will be a good experience for you. She emerged beyond expectations after going in with an ejection fraction of only 15%.

The first week, she struggled on four machines at two-minutes each in addition to the warm up/cool down stretch exercises.

She was so weak, I had to almost carry her back to the car.

By the eighth week, she was improving so much and so rapidly, the nurse petitioned the insurance company to allow her to stay an additional four weeks.

She was doing 15 minutes on each machine at fairly high resistances without hardly breaking a sweat.

The nurse who runs the local cardio-rehab now uses my wife's progress as an example of what can be done when she is trying to get those cheap bastard, scumball insurance people - and I mean that in the nicest way - to loosen the purse strings for a bit more rehab.

Good luck with your rehab. You should emerge feeling a whole lot better from what you feel right now.

"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


Quote from: "Bob Paulin"Dave:

That cardio-rehab works!

If it is anything similar to what my wife experienced, it will be a good experience for you. She emerged beyond expectations after going in with an ejection fraction of only 15%.

The first week, she struggled on four machines at two-minutes each in addition to the warm up/cool down stretch exercises.

She was so weak, I had to almost carry her back to the car.

By the eighth week, she was improving so much and so rapidly, the nurse petitioned the insurance company to allow her to stay an additional four weeks.

She was doing 15 minutes on each machine at fairly high resistances without hardly breaking a sweat.

The nurse who runs the local cardio-rehab now uses my wife's progress as an example of what can be done when she is trying to get those cheap bastard, scumball insurance people - and I mean that in the nicest way - to loosen the purse strings for a bit more rehab.

Good luck with your rehab. You should emerge feeling a whole lot better from what you feel right now.

Thanks BOB and I sure hope your right Ive been scanning old pictures all day and surfing the net and yes i reached the end of the internet :wink:  IM off in about an hour to see my doc just for good measure then monday we start the real deal.  I can see how someone could go nuckingfutz doing this all day :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "N8DC"Just got  a call from cardiac rehab and ill be seeing them  for the first time next monday at 11am and thne for 6 more weeks 3 times a week. Im excited even though all ive done is sleep today

Ok same thing different day. Start Rehab next monday 11am 6 weeks minimum May have to go to physical therapy also. Doctor said it ws up to me and the fact that i was under for 7 days but i can walk talk and wipe my own butt   8) .................. He said absolutely no more smoking . Ok i can live with that cause this scared the hell outta me. Said i should be ready to go back in six weeks cause ill be ready. He said in 99 percent of the cases he has seen if they start smoking again after a deal like this then its just a matter of time and there aint no comming back next time.. Works for me..............
By he way what the hell happened to gas prices? 308 in town here but i could go 25 miles and buy it for 285???????????????


Quote from: "N8DC"By he way what the hell happened to gas prices? 308 in town here but i could go 25 miles and buy it for 285???????????????
They figured that you wouldn't walk a mile for a Camel they would probably be safe that you wouldn't drive 25 miles to save 23 cents. GPster


Try buying gas in Canada. Here in southern Ontario, the prices can vary $0.10 a liter from one end of town to the other, a distance of 5 miles!! That by the way equates to $0.38 a US gallon. Are we havin fun yet??

John   :(D)  :(D)
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??