GoodGuys Des Moines

Started by rumrumm, June 23, 2006, 09:11:10 AM

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I'm planning on being there. Anyone else?
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


Still up in the air.  I'm going to the IRL race in KCY on Sunday so don't know if I'll be able to make the show on Saturday.  Might be too much fun for one weekend.  :)
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


We will not be there this year. We are going to miss seeing your car, Lynn, unless you are going to AmeriCruise.


As a matter of fact, I will be attending Americruise. I'll post something about it in July.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.


I'm planning to be there Fri/Sat/Sun....but....I was also planning to spend this weekend at the 50's and I'm working instead :x  Hopefully,things will work out a little better next week!Look forward to seeing the new ride,Lynn.Not sure what I'll be driving.....I'll post again later in the week!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Mike....Are you and Anita planning to attend Graffiti Night in Onawa tomorrow?? Anyone else?
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Daryle, Yes we are. But we need to be back home by 7:30. Registration is from noon till 4 I think. Let me know if you are going.


Gail and I can't make it this year either, work just wont allow it , still spraying crops yet, makes for long days and no time for weekends.  Sure gonna miss seeing your new ride Lynn, maybe we can sneek away for Americruz in Lincoln and see it then.

 Daryle, we wont be in Onawa either,  hope it rains tonight then maybe I can get off work early instead of puttin in 14 hours a day mixing spray in the hot sun and can go see Andy race in Harlan Saturday night, he's doing pretty good so far and the car is holding up pretty good too but these hot days make the track super dry and hard and is murder on the tires.  Anyway I hope you have a grand time at the shows and we'll be thinking about you guys and all the fun we will be missing. :(
 Catch ya latter,        
                         Bill and Gail


We are planning to be in Onawa around lunch time.Sorry to see so many of the usual Saturday lunch bunch won't be joining us in Des Moines  :(  Bill...I know exactly what you mean about 14 hour days in the hot sure has a way of getting in the way of the important things in life!Glad to hear Andy is doing well.....Keep it up!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


We plan on being there. Won't have the car quite together. the picture is from Thursday the 22nd. Plan to have it ready for Americruise the end of July. I have way to many hours in on this car the past couple of months. Takes forever to get it ready for paint and then a one person paint crew makes it many long hours. But the end is near  :D  :D  this is the reason I haven't been on much other than checking in to see what's happening. Have the hood, sides and few small pieces and then the color is done.



Bob....You've come a long way the last few months.....I love the color!Can't wait to see it finished at Americruise....Speaking of which....I better get a motel reservation! Look forward to seeing you and the wife in Des Moines!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"