Internet Firewall question

Started by jaybee, April 03, 2004, 10:13:52 PM

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Downloaded ZoneAlarm today but it doesn't want to play well with my home network and Internet Connection Sharing.  Can anyone offer some insight into setting up ZoneAlarm with ICS on a home network?
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


Click the firewall tab then the zones tab then at the bottom hit ADD then add the Ips of the other computers. to the trusted network. That worked for mine.
Not sure for yours .


I've had trouble with Zone Alarm disconnecting from the server while I'm downlaoding email.  When some spam comes through it apparently senses an attack and disconnects from the server.  Guess it's doing it's job but it is a pain to have to go out on the net, delete the spam, then retreive the rest of my email.  Sure will be glad if/when they come up with better ways to block spam. :(
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!