N8DC update

Started by 348tripower, June 15, 2006, 02:41:43 PM

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To all the folks here. My brother had a blockage in the main artery. They have cleared that and put in a stent. It is now a waiting thing. I have been informed that the doctors are concerned that he had to be brought back three times and the lack of oxygen.  I will keep this updated as I get information from my favorite nephew. He is in St. Joseph hospital in Ann Arbor but still in ICU so I have no room number etc.  I want everyone here to know that my brother and I have not spoken since the passing of our father. This is our situtaion and we need not bother you folks with the details. But even so I feel that with the input he has added to this board and the friends we have both made here that everone should know and be kept abreast of the situation. After all he is my twin. With that said I would like to thank everyone in advance for there well wishes and prayers. I would like to get this thread to him when he is out of the hospital.  It may help with his recovery ( I was told it would be a long one)to know of your well wishes.

Don Colliau
Don Colliau


Thanks for the update, I value both of you as friends. Here's hoping for a complete recovery.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thanks for the info Don, even with the land mines. Like Frank said, here's hoping for a full recovery.............................. :cry: Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Thanks for the update Don.  We gotta hope for the best now.


Don:  I really wish your twin Brother well, and I hope this time might help the two of you heal more than his damaged heart.  My Sons are twins, and they have a bond that non-twins can't understand. Wirhout getting too deep into your lives, it might be time to take that first step.

My Sister and I drifted apart after our Mom died, and didn't have a conversation for 12 years. One Christmas she called me and we started communicating, and a few years ago I went to Philadelphia and visited her, and it was like we had never stopped loving each other.

As I mentioned earlier, I had 2 heart attacks 17 years ago, at age 43, and I thought my life was over. Every time I would reach down to pick up something either my wife or one of my Sons would jump in and do it for me, like I was a cripple. It made me feel like I had aged 20 years. Then I ran into a man who had a heart attack 3 years before me, and he said " you won't believe me now, but some day you will see this as a blessing, because you will begin living a better life and treating your body the right way."  I thought he was nuts, but he was right.

I hope your Brother makes a full recovery, and he needs the love and support of everyone to get back to where he was before this happened. Medicine has come very far, and the heart is a pretty tough organ.

He is in our prayers.



Its amazing what they can do nowadays, so hopefully he comes through all right. He'll be back on here running his mouth in no time... :wink:

Charlie Chops 1940

Thanks Don.
Best wishes for all.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Best wishes to all the family.

Bruce Dorsi

Don, I waited  to hear some good news, before responding to your post about Dave's heart attack.   .....This appears to be GOOD news!

Best wishes to Dave for a speedy recovery!  .....Several people around me have had heart surgery, and all have benefited tremendously from the therapy which is recommended.    .....Prior to going through therapy, they all thought it was unnecessary.  But, after completing the therapy, they all said it was very beneficial.   ......I hope Dave has a program of physical therapy available to him.

I sincerely hope you and Dave will be able to re-establish your bond with each other before it is too late!
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Tell Dave I'm praying for as speedy and painfree a recovery as possible and I'm looking forward to seeing both him and Sue real soon.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.