Re: telemarketing via the fax machine

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, April 03, 2004, 09:40:02 AM

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Bad enough on the phone, but when its using up your Paper and Ink that makes it even worse.

Bruce Dorsi

Quote from: "Crosley"This type of stuff gripes my butt.
...sadly it is sort of accepted as normal in todays world.

It IS sad!

The worst, to me, are the marketing calls which utilize a recorded message, and I'm supposed to leave my name and number for them to call back if I'm interested.  .....If possible, I usually hold the phone receiver near the TV or radio speaker to keep their voice-activated recorder busy.   ......I refuse to do business with any company that does not think I am worthy of a lowly tele-marketer's time.

There seems to be a growing disrespect of the consumer, in general.

What about automated answering of phone calls to businesses?  .....Some systems are well-thought out and are helpful, but some are ridiculous.  

Maybe I'm just gettin less-tolerant with age, but in the past you didn't need a recording to tell you that all lines are in use.  A "busy" signal got that point across, and I didn't have to pay for the call.  .....Or, if no one is there to receive my call, no voice-mail, or answer machine, do I REALLY need a recording to tell me to call again at another time?

It's frustating, but all I can do is shake my head, and laugh about it. .....
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If being smart means knowing what I am dumb at,  I must be a genius!


Just as bad, my work email was in a recent help wanted ad as contact.  Now I'm getting a steady stream of email scams.  "My husband was in the process of transferring $16 million to our family when he died unexpectedly.  I will gladly share 10% with you if you will help to finish the task."

I forwarded 2 of these to the state Attorney General for their possible follow up and got a reply that basically said they aren't interested.  The email said "someone" on the Federal level handles such things but discouraged me from finding out who.  Seems to me it's hard to prosecute these losers when you have no trail to follow.  Maybe this is what they mean by "good enough for government work."
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)

Bob Paulin

Quote from: "jaybee"

I forwarded 2 of these to the state Attorney General for their possible follow up and got a reply that basically said they aren't interested.  The email said "someone" on the Federal level handles such things but discouraged me from finding out who.  Seems to me it's hard to prosecute these losers when you have no trail to follow.  Maybe this is what they mean by "good enough for government work."

I forward a lot of the unsolicited stuff to the FTC's Unsolicited Commercial E-mail address. They have publicized the fact that they are interested in collecting this sort of information.

I especially love the Nigerian money scams where they are allegedly trying to find a "good, trustworthy, honest" person to allegedly help them smuggle out money that was allegedly skimmed off some sort of government program.

I have read that many of these scams are used by terrorist organizations to fund themselves by maxing out a person's credit.

You know what they say, "If it sounds too good to be true....."

But, then again, P.T. Barnum spoke about that "...sucker born every minute."

Bob Paulin
"Cheating only means you really care about winning" - Red Green


I had privacy manager here . You had to have a listed number or state your name to get your call answered. With the do not call list i get a bunch of calls from toll free who ever he or she is. After the do not call list became a reality the telemarketers just found a way to have a phone number so my privacy manager wouldnt screen it. I found a new way to T EM OFF. Most telemarketers have about 4 phone calls going at one time and the first person that answers gets their attention and they hang up on the unanswered ones. Heres what I do .. answer the call wait about 10 seconds and start punching the buttons on the phone then hang up. I want them to drop all the other calls so I can * em off LOL... :twisted:


FAX telemarketing is ILLEGAL

you could possibly win big bucks if you win in court.

i know sounds like the faxes you recieve but check the link.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "Bob Paulin"
Quote from: "jaybee"

I especially love the Nigerian money scams where they are allegedly trying to find a "good, trustworthy, honest" person to allegedly help them smuggle out money that was allegedly skimmed off some sort of government program.

Amen, and the programs would be funded by the International Monitary Fund that is funded by you know who. Hugging the globe makes someone feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside but that ain't me.