Big Olds' Ego-Rama Adventure Day 11

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, October 03, 2005, 02:15:25 AM

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Day 11 Sunday Oct 2
Oakhurst, CA to Bakersfield, CA
Today's fuel "sponsored" by Ratboy

We started off bright and early.  Tim once again hopped in Big Olds with me for some early driving photos.  We passed all the participants and Tim took shots of them, then had them all pass us and he took some more.  We stopped for gas before heading into Kings Canyon.

Me and Cory's wife Judy, who had hopped into Big Olds with me at the previous gas stop.

This area of California has the largest and tallest trees in the world.  Truely amazing.  We got lucky and we're able to all park together in an awesome spot for a group photo op.

The forest smelled wonderful as they we're doing controlled burns.  The firefighers were very friendly and explained the process and why they do it.  

Big Olds with Jack Parker's (Phat Rat) '41 Ford

Rich's roadster.  Kinda gives you perspective on how HUGE these trees are.

Phat Rat's 41 and Dad's '56

When we came outta the forest we were at the top of this huge mountain range.  Took over an hour to travel all the switch-backs and we dropped probley 9,000 feet in elevation.  Kinda scary.  Not alot of guardrails.  The last two days of travel were not for the weak at heart or those afraid of heights or get motion sickness.  About halfway down I heard my rear hubcap come off again, looked back and kind saw where it went.  Was able to stop and shimmy down the embankment to retrieve it.

Traveled into Bakersfield and headed over to Ironworks Speed and Kustom where they had an open house for us.  I got the "long distance" door prize, Dad got the "hard luck" door prize.

Lots of friendly folks and cool projects there.

They fired this bad boy up.  Man was it loud.

Rodger, HAMBer Ironworker, owner of the shop, his own ride.

A Hokey * Group Shot; L2R
47Forvette, JimA, Otto with ShortBus peeking out behind him, Phat Rat with BobK standing in front of him, OFOF with me standing in front of him, River1, Ironworker

A couple of rides that showed up at the bash

Me and Otto standing in front of his '39

Me and Lukejivetalker with ShortBus's head

Ratboy and me (thanks again sweetheart)

Big THANKS to the folks at Ironworks for a GREAT nite.  Your hospitality was very much appreciated.  It was wonderful to see so many HAMB buds.  Some I had had the pleasure of meeting in the past, others I was lucky enough to meet for the first time tonight.

I forgot to look at the milage.  
Very exciting day planned for tomorrow.  I'm hoping to catch up with HotRodBob.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


You are having too much fun.  Way too much.  Go to your room. :lol:
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Wow! What an adventure! Your travelogue has been most interesting to read. I think a nice set of polished Torque-Thrust II's would solve your hubcap problem, Denise. LOL.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.





Thanks for the great ongoing travelog.  You got out of Yellowstone just ing time, snowed this weekend.  The guys that put on the Yellowstone run were supposed to come up to Townsend this weekend for a run, and said too much snow.

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST


You guys are havin to much fun. Man I just missed ya. I was in Bakersfield all weekend.

Ya got my number, just call when you get to town.
Have Mouth, Will Travel.