Big Olds's Big Ego-Rama Adventure Day 4-6

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, September 27, 2005, 11:53:38 PM

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Day 4, Sunday Sept 25
Mitchell, SD to Rapid City, SD
Fuel sponsored by FlatDog Today

Today started off cold and wet.  The first day I actually had to wear my Carhart overalls, down parka, wool socks and snowmobile mittens.  We went to the morning "awards/door prize" giveaway where I got the opportunity to catch up with Bo Huff again and he graciously agreed to step outside in the rain so I could get a few shots of us together by Big Olds.

Said our good-byes to some of the "Suades" (sorry I missed saying goodbye to Eyeball and his lovely wife) and headed west.  The rain didn't last long and by the time we got to the Pioneer Auto Museum in Murdo the sun was shinning and it started getting much warmer.

The Pioneer Auto Museum was well worth the stop.  Tons of cars, toys, memoriblia, etc.  Both inside and outside displays.  It's funny, a bud in TN, Earl Scheib, is the one that mentioned it was worth the stop.  No one else even mentioned this place.  Side note; the food at the restaurant there sucked though.

From there we traveled thru the Badlands

where we caught up with HAMBer Jesse "ShortBull" who I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time at the HAMB Drags this year.  Spent some time chatting and checking out each others rides then Jesse headed west thru the Badlands with us for abit.  Thanks for sharing your beautiful area of the world with us Jesse, much appreciated.

A shot I took of Big Olds while I was walking back from looking at some Praire Dog mounds.

Around dinnertime we rolled in Rapid City and called TMan to meet us for dinner.  Had a very nice visit with him and his brother, who is also a HAMB guy.  Made plans to meet up at TMan's shop the next morning and said our goodnites.

Forgot to look at the total milage

DAY5; Monday Sept 26
Rapid City, SD to Deadwood, SD
Fuel sponsored by 35pickup today

WOW!  Nothing but blue skies and sunshine this morning.  It was the first morning on the road that wasn't raining.  Headed over to TMan shop to see if the hubs and studs that Baer Brakes sent showed up.  Got the grand tour of the shop.  They have some cool projects going on.

The UPS guy shows up with the parts and the guys proceeded to change out both sides.   (Just in case all the studs came from the same batch Dad felt better about changing everything out) Trent's boss Gene is a AWESOME guy.  Very friendly and outgoing with lots of cool stories about some of the hot rods he's owned over the years.  He's a salt flat fan so I'm sure our paths will cross again soon, probley during Speed Week.

Dad, TMan, Gene, Mom, Me

We say our goodbyes and thanks and head south outta town heading for the Black Hills.  Shortly after we turned west onto 40 this SUV with flashing lights passes Dad and pulls up along side me telling me to pull over.  I'm not slowing down and holler back at him, "why?".  He says "I wanna talk to you".  "About what?" I holler.  "Your car" he shouts back.  At that instant, I recognize him so I pulled over, with Mom and Dad behind me.  We all get out and I and Dan shake hands.  Three years ago when I was in Sturgis during Bike Week Dan was directing traffic at the intersection of the Full Throttle and Gencoe when he flagged me down cuz he wanted to talk to me about Big Olds which I was driving in black primer at the time.  I stopped and we chatted for about an hour.  What an extremely small world this is when 3 years later, our paths just cross again outta the blue.

After chatting with Dan for a bit we headed out into the Black Hills.

We encountered breathtaking scenery around every turn.  We traveled to Mount Rushmore, Iron Mountain Highway, Then up Needles Hwy, then north to Deadwood.

Even one lane roads

Lots of animals along the road, including buffalo and turkeys

Lots of tunnels and narrow bridges.  This is the tunnel right before Needles Eye.

The lookout right by Needles Eye.

This is where things get freaky again.  We're at this lookout taking photos and stuff when these 2 couples walk up to us telling us they're streetrodders from NY.  The one guy looks at me, then takes a second look at Big Olds and says "I know you, you had this car at the Syracuse show in NY a few years ago, it was in black primer.  You gave me and a couple of buddies a ride".  My Dad is just shaking his head mumbling something about, "is this going to happen all across the country??"

Me and my NY bud.

Chatting with them ofr a bit then hit the road.  It was getting late and we wanted to get to at least Deawood tonight, which we did.  Had dinner then called it a nite.  No internet access and Dad informed me that he didn't want to go to Yellowstone.  I once again forgot to look at the milage.

Day 6, Tuesday Sept 27
Deadwood, SD to Cody, WY
Todays fuel "sponsored" by Mojo66

Today started off sunny and bright with blue skies but very chilly.  All the gear goes on.  Warm as toast.  We drive north througt Spearfish Canyon back to I-90 and start heading west again.  It's warmed up by the time we hit 90 so the Carharts and parka come off.  I LOVE traveling on I-90.  No semi-trucks, not a lot of traffic at all really.  I'm sure it's a different story in the summer months.

When we hit Wyoming I pulled over for a photo op.

When we hit Buffelo, Wy we headed west on 16 thru Big Horn National Park.  I had to bundle up again when we reached the top at 9,600+ feet in elevation.  These shots were taken on the way down the other side.

When we got to Warland my Dad still hadn't changed his mind so him and Mom went south to and I headed north then west, heading to Yellowstone.  I am currently in Cody, WY less then an hour from one of the Yellowstone entrances at a very nice lodge looking place WITH INTERNET ACCESS!!

Total milage so far on trip  1,882
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Just got home from working on the 36...It's way late and I said to myself "I'm not even turning on that damned computer".I had been wondering how you were doing and couldn't resist turning it on just to see if you had filed an update....Glad I did :D Looks like you are having great fun.....Drive safe and I'll be looking for the next "Live Report"! Oh...Almost forgot...What the heck do you want me to do with the package from your sister??See Ya!!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Fat Cat

Ok so what happened to the right rear hub cap that is missing in this shot?

It is there in the others.


Daryle, either send it back regular mail and I'll reimburse you for the postage or bring it to Detroit with you when you come in March.  I'm in no hurry for it now.  Thanks again for the hospitality.

Frank, it came off on Needles Hwy after 3 hairpin turns right in a row.  It rolled about 20 feet down a cliff where it landed up agaist a tree.  Dad shimmied down and retreived it but I couldn't get it back on tight enough at teh time and I didn't want to take the chance of it coming off again.  I'll work on the prong thingys once I get to CA and have some extra time.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


Frank, it came off on Needles Hwy after 3 hairpin turns right in a row.  It rolled about 20 feet down a cliff where it landed up agaist a tree.  Dad shimmied down and retreived it but I couldn't get it back on tight enough at teh time and I didn't want to take the chance of it coming off again.  I'll work on the prong thingys once I get to CA and have some extra time.[/quote]

Jeeze, some chicks get to have all the fun. Denise, I'm really enjoying your trip, I think we all are. Keep the updates coming, some of us have to live out our road trips vicariously.

BTW, did you pop off the other three hubcaps? Wouldn't want Big Olds looking lopsided. When you get to Tahoe, toss a hug over that big hill to the west, toward Sacramento, I'll catch it. Be safe.
   Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
Badges? Badges? We don\'t need no stinking Badges!!
Team Smarts official dumbfounder
The first liar ain\'t got a chance



Sounds like you are having way to much fun :D , and this is only the beginning. Enjoy the updates and pictures of that part of the country. Been there before and it is a beautiful place.



:shock:  I see lots of scrapbook stores in Rudy's future  :twisted:
Loved the pic with the grass!!!



 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Awesome report and pictures!  That pic of your car thru the grass with the sky in the background is really nice....heck, they all are 8)  Thanks for taking the time to post all this.  A lot of people wouldn't take the time after driving all day out in the weather.  Hell, a lot of people wouldn't even drive that far without a roof.  :shock:

Seeing the pics really makes me miss being on a road trip.  I didn't do one this year and you're taking a road I've never been on.  Good luck and keep us drooling. :D


Great updates and beautiful country.  Glad you are having a great time.  Thanks for sharing again.  Be careful.  Enjoy