Plumbing 101

Started by 34ford, September 25, 2005, 09:43:38 PM

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Did a little plumbing getting ready to do some painting. Got it all together and put the air to it and had a leak in the T fitting. Right in the corner of the tee was a hole a little smaller than a 1/16  that you couldn't see if you weren't looking for it. Bought the fittings at the local Menards big box store. They are the quality fittings with CHINA stamped on the side of them. :(  Think next time I will go the local hardware store and buy the good stuff. Oh well, now we're ready to spray a little primer.



I'm curious as to why you selected metal pipe to do your plumbing for an air system. I have been using PVC and it works really great! A place where I worked finishing cabinets also used PVC and even when it got old and leaky, it was easy to change and repair as well as ad to. As well as the price was really great especially if you are doing a lot of different points of attatchment as well as long distances.
Just my 2cents worth.


Quote from: "BFS57"Hello:
I'm curious as to why you selected metal pipe to do your plumbing for an air system. I have been using PVC and it works really great! A place where I worked finishing cabinets also used PVC and even when it got old and leaky, it was easy to change and repair as well as ad to. As well as the price was really great especially if you are doing a lot of different points of attatchment as well as long distances.
Just my 2cents worth.

When you say PVC, are you using sched 40, 80 or ??I've used copper, but never tried PVC.

If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


Schedule 40 pipe is fine, but use schedule 80 fittings. I learned the hard way. * near got hit in the head with schrapnel when a 2" pipe broke. Larry.


Any oil that goes through the system as a vapor will attack pvc.  When pvc ruptures it will schrapnel, unlike copper or other metals that rupture.  It may never do anything, but I have seen a pvc pipe that broke and it wasn't pretty. Pieces went through drywall which says to me it would go through skin.


PVC is a NONONO!!! for compressed air. read the link please

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


Quote from: "BFS57"Hello:
I'm curious as to why you selected metal pipe to do your plumbing for an air system. I have been using PVC and it works really great! A place where I worked finishing cabinets also used PVC and even when it got old and leaky, it was easy to change and repair as well as ad to. As well as the price was really great especially if you are doing a lot of different points of attatchment as well as long distances.
Just my 2cents worth.

I used the metal pipe due to the stories I have heard of people using pvc especially at the point of origin with the pressure at 120#. Had most of the parts in the bone pile so it didn't cost that much. Plan on running more lines later in the shop using copper.



I also have seen the results of the pvc explosion. Really scarey. I would encourage everyone with pvc to change it out.