My Ego-Rama Thanks, Thoughts and Trip Info Thread

Started by HotRodLadyCrusr, September 09, 2005, 11:07:36 AM

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I wanted to start off by thanking everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for all the Ego-Rama votes. Your support means the world to me. Makes a gal feel good when a group of hard core hot rodders thinks she has what it takes to cruz across country, participate in a 7 day driving event, then cruz back home. I promise, I'll do the RRT proud but, no matter what the outcome, the name of the game is to have a good time and that I will!  

My Dad was also selected. He realizes that it was probley the all powerful internet voting that did it for him and he thanks you all very much. Both Dad and I are no strangers to long distance cruzn in our cars. We've been long haulers on Hot Rod Mag's Power Tour many times, Detroit to San Berdoo, CA to Panama City Beach, FL to Detroit, just to name one of the long hauls. I have also participated a couple of times in the all girls Lipstick Run, one of which was over 6,000 miles. Four gals in four hot rods in 26 days.

As excited as I am right now, and trust me I'm very, very excited to have the opportunity to do this but I'm sad too. I'm very emotional right now. It's a very, very sad time for many thousands of people in our country. Thousands have lost their lives, and many, many more thousands are homeless. I'm feeling great guilt right now thinking about all the money I'm going to be spending on fuel and stuff at a time when so many don't have one * dime to their name. I'm also feeling guilty about using my time off for such a great adventure when others are going down south to help out.

Am I doing the right thing? I've wanted to participate in Rod & Customs Asphalt Ego-Rama so bad, ever since the first time I saw the photos and read the story about the great time SamIam had. I want to meet all my California RRT brothers and sisters, and those along the way. I want to help spread the gospel of traditional hot rods and customs. I want to proudly represent the female element in our hobby. I ask again, am I doing the right thing? Am I being selfish at a time when so many others are giving so much of themselves to help out others? I'm so confused. :?

I am going, I don't have any doubt I'm not, I've looked forward to this for far too long but I am hoping that my overwhelming feelings of guilt goes away soon so I can enjoy the process of getting Big Olds ready, planning the route there and back, packing, etc.

We are leaving the Metro Detroit area on Friday, Sept 23rd after I get off work and travel to the other side of Chicago that nite so we avoid the massive construction delays that Gary, IN and the surrounding area is famous for.

Weather permitting, (cuz I still don't have a top )we will travel 80 west to 29 north to 90 west and cruz thru the Black Hills stopping in Rapid City to see Tman, then into Yellowstone. We will take our time thru the Black Hills and Yellowstone and bonzi the boring highway parts. From Yellowstone will head south to Salt Lake City then 80 west again into Lake Tahoe arriving on Thursday the 29th. If you live along this route, please let me know. I would love to stop and say "hi", even if it's just for a few minutes....and to use your clean potty.  :lol:

The Ego-Rama will be starting on Friday the 30th and end on Thursday, Oct 6th. It's a seven day event this year and we'll be cruzn thru Yosemite (from what I remember being told) We haven't gotten an exact route yet. No matter, I don't really care where we go as long as I'm having fun. I do have one regret about the route though, it doesn't seem like I'm going to have the opportunity to stop in and see my dear friend Mike Bishop or visit Vern's shop or see Kent Fuller again. I guess I was being unrealistic trying to do so much in the 9 days I'll be in California. Please forgive me Mike.

I am looking forward to meeting many others for the first time. But do keep in mind by the time I meet you I'll have been on the road for at least 10 days. Why am I mentioning this, well, you see, I will not be bringing any cookies with me. I just have no way of keeping them fresh for that long. Big Olds is made of steel, not plastic, and steel just doesn't keep things fresh for long. Also, since I do not have room for my Easy Bake Oven I will not be able to bake them once I get there. You guys will just have to believe the midwest guys when they tell you they're very yummy. Sorry ShortBus.

The IT guy from work is going to try to hook me up with a laptop so I can give my internet buds daily updates on my adventure like Loudpedal on the HAMB did. I know I enjoyed his updates and many others said the same thing. I want to try to convey the trip via photos and words for you guys. It's the least I can do. If anyone wants to call to say hi while I'm on the road, feel free. I have Sprint service and it should work along most of the major highways we'll be traveling. 734-673-6930

Although no one will physically be sitting in Big Olds next to me, I kinda feel ALL my RRT brothers and sisters will be traveling with me. It's a great, warm, fuzzy feeling. It also gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling that RRT/HAMB guys Phat Rat and 47Forvette got voted in as well. One, big, happy hot rod internet family that supports each other.

I'm also looking forward to spending time with Jim Shelton and getting to know him. From what I've been told, he's a great guy and I can't wait to meet him. Rich Gausco was also voted in and another one that I'm really looking forward to meeting in person. He's having some health issues right now so perhaps if we all say a prayer everything will work out and he'll be just fine and able to participate.

Thanks once again to each and every one of you that voted. Whether you voted for me or not, you took the time to cast your vote and thats whats important.
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.


You go, Girl!

Racers always want the show to go on even if they've had a terrible accident because they're doing what they want to do.  Of course we should all do what we can for hurricane victims, but if anyone expects you to give up a once in a lifetime experience to send a little cash down south I think they're being unreasonable.  People will experience all manner of joys and disappointments while those in the disaster area are regrouping and rebuilding, that's how life is.  The fact that you would even consider whether it's the right thing to do tells me your heart is in the right place.

We're in Des Moines, IA right on I80 in case your schedule calls for a stop in this neighborhood.  Best of luck in the EgoRama!
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


"Across I-80,up I-29 to I-90"....You're going right by our front door! If it fits into your plans,you know you have a place to stay anytime.We have plenty of room for you,your folks and anyone else who might be tagging along.I have my 34' camper in the drive that is available also.Oh can use the clean potty as well  :P If it doesn't work out for an overnight,perhaps we can at least cook you guys something for lunch on the grill.Shoot me an e-mail and let me know your plans.
    I think we all have felt a little strange...not sure guilty is the right word... as we go about our daily lives knowing that so many are left homeless etc. by Katrina. We have made donations to the Red Cross,Catholic Charities etc but it seems like so little against the magnitude of the situation,unfortunately,that is all most of us are able to do.They are relocating 500 Families to Omaha Nebraska and we have volunteered thru our church to help if we can with housing etc.Enjoy your trip!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


I'm so happy for you . . . but sad for me, not getting to see you. BTW, Fuller's shop in Sacramento is about 15 minutes south of I-80. If you're interested I'll send you directions.

Best wishes!





You are just going to miss me, let me know when you are planning on turning south in Montana, and where (East or West side of the park) and I will try to meet you somewhere along the way for a few minutes.  I am guessing that you will be turning off in Livingston, since the Cook City Highway is still down, (that would be through Red Lodge).

1965 Impala SS  502
1941 Olds

Watcher of #974 1953 Studebaker Bonneville pas record holder B/BGCC 249.945 MPH.  He sure is FAST