Arizona storms

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, July 24, 2005, 01:23:41 AM

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If it ain't burning , the wind is tearing it down.

Monsoon storms are here..... we lost 2 large bushes to wind last night.  No lectricity for 1.5 hours.  Dog house and BBQ was pushed down the patio then upside down

Neighbor's 25 foot tall tree snapped at the ground, blew his boat & trailer sideways, damaged the trailer tounge when the jack folded up.  The boat stayed on the trailer.

Saturday morning there was the sounds of many chain saws in the area cutting up firewood

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


sounds bad, I have hears about the deaths caused by the heat out there too. Now rain, well at least you don't have to shovel it!


We are at 20+ deaths related to the heat in the metro Phoenix AZ area.

Keep in mind that common sense is needed in the heat.

One elderly couple had their A/C turned off in their house .  The fireman / EMTs reported the inside of the  house was at 110*F . The husband died , the wife survived I heard.

In Arizona water and electric providers work with people that have trouble paying the bill.  There are many outside sources that will provide aid too.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


My mom is one of those frugal elderly who won't turn on her a/c because it costs too much to run. I figured if I started taking care of her eletric bill she'd use the a/c more. That backfired, she worried about me spending money on what she'd always considered a luxury. I think my sisters and I have finally convinced her a/c is a necessary luxury especially these past two weeks, it's been 100+ every day.
  Jbird 8)
A biblical plague would come in real handy just about now
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Today I had to get up on my shop's lower roof and repair the rain gutters I had installed a few years ago.

I noticed one end was loose..... as you guys know when you get closer you find more damage usually.........  I did , it is repaired now.

I have operating the a/c in my shop for a couple of monthes now.  It appears that during the recent  heat wave it is costing me about 3 dollars a day to cool the shop.  Certainly worth it to me

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"We are at 20+ deaths related to the heat in the metro Phoenix AZ area.

20+ and the newspaper (my employer) says most heat related deaths are NOT reported as such. they said the actual death level is a lot higher. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

as tony said tho lots of charity organizations help with electric bills for those in need.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


It's even been in the 100+ way up here in the mountains of Prescott, AZ. I don't think I have seen it this hot in the Northern area in the 10 years that I have lived here. Prolly had three inches of rain in about an hour this afternoon, then it cooled to about 65 degrees (with 100% humidity)....................jb EXSEDAN