Off topic. Internet security - Virus protection

Started by purplepickup, May 03, 2005, 12:01:07 PM

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I know some of you are fairly computer literate so I thought I'd ask your opinions about Anti-Virus Software.  My machine has Windows XP and I've currently got Norton System Works 2002.   I've never had any problems with viruses or the software but it probably is getting outdated.  I hear horror stories about installing new AV software and having it royally screw things up.    I don't want to go thru that but I do want good protection.

My automatic updates are due for renewal in a few days and since things are rolling along pretty smoothly I'm tempted to just renew for another year at $24.95.......But.....with rebates and all, that's about what it would cost to upgrade to current or different software.  I'd be interested to hear some opinions from you guys that know your stuff.


I agree! I too went for the upgrade and rebates and am not sure it was the best move. I ended up with a "free" Internet Security professional 2004 and am sure it's part of my ongoing operational problems. I don't have enough RAM and am running old 98 so that's part of it but I'm with you and the "if it's not broke" thoughts. Good luck buddy..........Frank
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phat rat

My new Dell came with 90 days free Norton (from Symatic?) when it expired I tried downloading off the net and it screwed the puter up royally. Ended up getting Norton Professional from my workplace it is great.
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.


I use Macafee on live update and I pay for it. Norton's is just as good, as are most of the reputable AV software companies. The im[portant thing is to ensure you are on live update. McAfee does a virus signature download every day, and a system download every week or two.
The other IMPORTANT piece of software you should have running AT ALL TIMES is anti-spyware software. I cannot recommend highly enough the new Windows annti-spyware software. It's free, and even though it's still in Beta, it runs rings around SpyBot S&D and the like. Download it from the MS site and watch in awe as it picks up all the spyware on your PC that the other programs miss, plus it gives you good explanations about what is going on and it's easy to use. Schedule the thing to run every day! The spyware blocker is just as important as the AV software.
Another handy bit of freeware you might need is CWS Shredder. CWS (Cool Web Site) Shredder is required to strip the signatures from your registry when you get a bit of software on your PC from a web site that takes over your browser's home page. If you find that your Home page has suddenly become this fancy list of categorised links and no matter how hard you try it just keeps comong back, you have been "invaded" by the Cool Web Site virus. CWS Shredder (do a Google) will fix it, although Windows anti-spyware will prevent future attacks.
Frank Choco Munday, Technical Author
Hot Rod Handbooks

58 Yeoman

I use the new MS antivirus in addition to AVG antivirus from, which is also free, plus the spybot, cwshredder and adaware.  You can just never have too much protection.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Great suggestions here. I also will add that another common problem is browser hijackings.

I highly recommend using another browser such as Opera or Firefox, whereas not toooo many bugs written for these browsers like IE, which can be an open door.

If you insist on using IE, then also download "hijackthis" and learn how to use it.  It will prevent your browser from being changed to alternate settings.....which is a bad thing.

I use McAfee and have used Norton. I find McAfee more user friendly but both are very effective products.  I also use Giant Spyware (the Company purchased by MS for their adware etal), Adware, and Spybot, and hijackthis with XP.  I have never had a problem in over a year of complete coverage.

midnight sun

Quote from: "purplepickup"I know some of you are fairly computer literate so I thought I'd ask your opinions about Anti-Virus Software.  My machine has Windows XP and I've currently got Norton System Works 2002.   I've never had any problems with viruses or the software but it probably is getting outdated.  I hear horror stories about installing new AV software and having it royally screw things up.    I don't want to go thru that but I do want good protection.

My automatic updates are due for renewal in a few days and since things are rolling along pretty smoothly I'm tempted to just renew for another year at $24.95.......But.....with rebates and all, that's about what it would cost to upgrade to current or different software.  I'd be interested to hear some opinions from you guys that know your stuff.

Im probably being naive but I use Norton Anti-Virus and thats it. I utilize a Linksys router and have never had any problems.  Am I in fact being naive about this?
How can there be "self help" groups :?:


I use AVG, Ad-Aware, and Spyware Blaster. They are all free and updated regularly, and I have had no problems with them at all. All three of them can be downloaded at

For those that have any doubts about AVG, a close friend of mine owns his own computer shop and also builds webpages and stuff like that. He is the one that first told me about AVG a couple years ago, and he uses it on his own personal computers. It updates once or twice a week, and is tied into Outlook Express to automatically check incoming and outgoing emails for viruses. It has caught every Virus that has appeared in my email, and actually removes access to the attachment so you can't even open it by accident.

The only problems I have with my Computer lately is the Firewall that appeared after I downloaded SP1 and SP2 from Microsoft. It appears to work pretty well, but it also blocks several of the websites I use. For example, Apple has a webpage where you can view Trailers for new Movies that are coming out. In order to see the Movie Trailers, I have to go into my security settings and temporarily reduce my Firewall protection. Its a pain in the butt because I can't leave it at the lower setting without getting constant warnings from the computer telling me that I am running at an unsafe level of protection.

One more thing that I do is turn the Computer completely off if I'm not using it. Since getting DSL, I am afraid that someone could get into my computer if I just left it on all the time, so I don't take any chances. I might just be paranoid and worried about nothing, but better safe than sorry IMO.


Like Sean I've found a combo of AVG's free virus s/w, free zone alarm and ad-aware stops 99% of nasties. We also have a firewall running on the router at home as well. T'is like fort knox at our place!   :D

I'm constantly suprised by the amount of "inquirey" for information living on your 'puter thats made in the background of network traffic you never see. For my 2c worth a firewall is just as important as anti V software.
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Fat Cat

THe use of a hardware based routing system will aleviate most concerns.

As far as Anti-virus software goes. I do not like Norton software. They usually have a tendancy to make the software too restricive in the name of protecting the user. That has a tendancy to cause problems with other tools you might use.

For commercial AV software I recommend is Trend Micro software. It is much lighter in the extranious features that are not needed. For example it will not tell you how much ram is on the system but can check for viruses. You should have any one of a number of other programs that tell you how much ram is on the system.

I myself use AVG by Grisoft. I use the free version. The pay version has some scheduling tools as well as more download sites that are not in the free one, but I have no need for the advanced tools, and the one site they give free version users is enough for me.

AVG is the only thing I use on my personal systems. I use a hardware based routing for my internal network and all my systems still run AVg on each station.


Thanks for the responses.

My total protection right now is ZoneAlarm Pro firewall, Spybot S&D, AdAware, MS Giant AntiSpyware, and I have AdSubtract Pro which gives me more site and script filter options. I have a two computer network with four hard drives behind a router, an external DVD R/RW, two printers, and some other peripherials. My biggest concern right now is that I pretty much understand everything and it's all working perfectly. I hate to screw things up by changing anything just to save $24 a year.  Like slocrow said, "if it ain't broke........".

But....I'm real tempted to try AVG since I've heard great things about it and I think it is a stand alone AV software.  So many of the firewall and anti virus software companies nowadays combine a lot of features in their software that duplicate protection that I've already got and am comfortable with. I'm afraid that things won't be compatable if I start changing stuff.   I've heard some real horror stories about Norton's security packages.  I don't know if the problems are actually because of the software of the person installing and setting it up.  I have heard too that it's a hog and slows things down some.

I've still got a few days to decide. Thanks again.


I use AVG on 3 windose XP machines that also have the service pack 2 on the XP. I use the free Zone Alarm too.

Various spybot programs are run every week or two. Zone Alarm told me about a couple of spybot programs last year that were trying to conect to the net

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 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I used Trend Micro for a couple of weeks and for a couple of weeks had no control over my computer for most of the time.  Uninstaled it and went back to Kaspersky, regained total control over my computer and total peace of mind.  Also run Spybot for what its worth.
My Mind Is A Dangerous Place
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Mr Cool

I use Trend micro and really like it.
I originally had Macafee and it was crap, after the 3rd viris got into my puter in less than a month I cracked it and demanded my money back - they did a full refund but it took over 3 months.
Trend micro is used by some of the biggest companies around, telecom and BHP come to mind. thats why I chose it, and have NEVER had a viris since, except once when I hadnt completed the update but it picked it up 10 minutes later before it done any damage.
It also has a built-in firewall, and can be customised to suit yourself.
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.


I just found out that the company I work for is licensed to allow employees to use Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security on our home PC's.  It's the same software that our whole corporation uses.  It's an "all in one" type of software.....Anti Virus, firewall, spyware remover, home network control, wireless protection, etc.  I'm a little spooked about uninstalling everything I'm currently running and switching to something I don't know anything about but as they say..."no glory".  Actually some of the computer geeks at work recommend that it's better to run an all-in-one software instead of a bunch of different ones.  They say I'm less likely to have compatability problems and by running many different things, it's slowing my machine down.  Plus they're willing to answer questions if I have any.

I've still got a couple of days before my Norton updates stop.  I think I'll go up to the cabin and ponder it over a few beers and some steaks ......  :?