30 Pontiac

Started by Kctom, April 22, 2005, 11:56:16 AM

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Well we started painting at 7am thur. the spray gun was hung up at 8:15 am fri.  was a long 24 hours and 15 min. But all that remains is color sand 2 more coats of clear, color sand again then buff. Should be able to post a picture of the car the first of next week. The interior shop the first of may, So get your kids, wife and dog to a safe place cause here I come


You work pretty fast don't you? :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I've loved all the cars you've built so far and I really liked this one when it was stock.   I'm looking forward to seeing the finished car.  From the pics you've posted so far, this one looks like the best yet.
Watch out.....if you keep this up the Discovery Channel will be knocking on your door :shock:  It sounds like you've already been practicing  the "paint all night" part.  :wink:


Glad to see you're making great progress! Will you have it ready for Springfield? If this coupe ends up as nice as your last coupe...it'll be awesome!I haven't had time this Spring to do anything but hammer nails in the rain :roll:
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Still not done yet but here is a few pictures so far.  Have the same problem with taking good pictures because of the pearl in the paint and the flash on the camera. The pic with the fenders is real close to the orange true color


what a difference a day makes! the pics are a little pixelated but the olour combo looks great...