Latest on the dec 13th break in and tool theft

Started by Dave, January 26, 2005, 06:24:50 PM

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Take his cell phone number with you to the swap meet at Kalamazoo this weekend. Maybe you'll recognize something and he is more an ex-cop than an insurance investigator. GPster


Quote from: "GPster"Take his cell phone number with you to the swap meet at Kalamazoo this weekend. Maybe you'll recognize something and he is more an ex-cop than an insurance investigator. GPster

Well ya know Joe I offered the info for the guy that got busted here in town that was in my garage and he really didnt seem interested other that he asked me if they got any evidence. Ya they did but what I dunno


New Doors tomorrow :lol:  
Got a call from a guy that works with AAA insurance (The adjuster set this up for me)and this is a new one on me but I gave the go ahead. He asked me how I would like all new tools shipped to me . I told him that would be great. He buys whosale has ties with craftsman snapon and mac. AAA gets a deal he makes money I get all new stuff and I dont have to shop for any of it. He also told me if he couldnt get it in craftsman He would give me mac or snap on. He also told me that I did good including all the part numbers although im lacking a few for non craftsman stuff. He said he could prolly have it all wrapped up and ok'd by AAA by friday. AAA already gave the ok to me but with this deal he has to get the ok. Ill be talking with him again im sure and i will make sure im getting the deal I want like replacement on the stolen items with the same brand. At least the sears stuff. I decided to go this way and save myself the shopping and keep AAA happy too. This way I stand a better chance of not getting cancled I would think.
Dave :wink:


Good news (at last).

so what are you going to use the new tools to build now you sold the car is your avatar ?


Quote from: "N8DC"New Doors tomorrow :lol:  
Got a call from a guy that works with AAA insurance (The adjuster set this up for me)and this is a new one on me but I gave the go ahead. He asked me how I would like all new tools shipped to me . I told him that would be great. He buys whosale has ties with craftsman snapon and mac. AAA gets a deal he makes money I get all new stuff and I dont have to shop for any of it. He also told me if he couldnt get it in craftsman He would give me mac or snap on. He also told me that I did good including all the part numbers although im lacking a few for non craftsman stuff. He said he could prolly have it all wrapped up and ok'd by AAA by friday. AAA already gave the ok to me but with this deal he has to get the ok. Ill be talking with him again im sure and i will make sure im getting the deal I want like replacement on the stolen items with the same brand. At least the sears stuff. I decided to go this way and save myself the shopping and keep AAA happy too. This way I stand a better chance of not getting cancled I would think.
Dave :wink:

Brought this post up again to look at the date since I talked to the guy that was ? going to replace my tools.  I called AAA last week and voiced my rather bad opinion of the place thats replacing my tools. the first conversation with Wally at contents replacement said hey ill have all your stuff to you in a week to 10 days. Ya right. I called wally again thursday after I got home and he was on lunch still if I can believe that. I left a voice mail asking him to call me and give me some kind of an idea when I could expect the rest of my stuff and have this deal done and over with. Hummmmm seems he forgot to return my call.. Friday I called AAA again . The adjuster asked me if I was still having trouble. I told her I wouldnt consider it trouble but I figured ive waited long enuff and wally wont even return my calls now.(ive only called him 2 or 3 times in over a month) I told her I was trying to be cooperative by going the route she suggested and she agreed it was her idea and I didnt want to be a bother but its well over a week to 10 days. She was real nice and called wally herself and then called me back. I was told the balance of the craftsman stuff was going out friday and wally would call me that day.
ZZZZZZZZZZ ya right again. I left at my usuall time 3:30 pm and no call. Ill check my voice mail monday but it doesnt look good. The adjuster did tell me that if I didnt have all my tools by the end of next week to please call her. Again I stated I didnt want to be a pain in the * but she insisted.  I dunno if they all belong to the craftsman club and they wait till they get the sale flyer before they buy or what :lol:
Even if there is a delay I figured that they should relay that information back to me when asked about shipments.

Will it ever end?

ps: then there is the deal with me giving wally my email so he could send me tracking numbers on the shipments? Musta lost my email too


Quote from: "N8DC"Will it ever end?
Wait til you get your homeowners insurance renewal. :(

I just got mine from State Farm and I'm getting a "Claim Free Discount" of $1316.  I don't know for sure, and I'm gonna check, but it appears that if I have a claim I'll lose that discount.  I hope something like that isn't true for you. :?


I wish you luck.

I look at many things in life like this...

"If you expect the worst from people , you will never be disappointed"

That is phrase my mother used.  She was a real estate broker in the 1960's & 70's and owned some rental properties.  I guess dealing with renters can give a person a different view .

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Well lets see? Tomorrow is april fools day and im still waiting for the balance of my tools! I talked to another guy at the place thats replacing the stuff 5 times monday and once tuesday. Oh ya he is on it ?????????? I got a card in the mail to call a delivery company that wanted to deliver my roller cabinet yesterday ( the guy at the replacement company told me the girl up front forgot to order my top tool box ?) and they said it would be there tween 9am and 5pm. I hung around town until 5pm and no roller cabinet. I called them this morning and they put me on hold for 15 minutes and came back and told me they had to do a dock check cause they cant find it.(wanst it supposed to be delivered yesterday) And if they couldnt find it it would have to be reordered. Ok I snapped !!! I called my insurance agent and told him I needed someone to * at and ive had enuff.... I told him the new guy that called me from the replacement company sounded sincere but that I dont trust anyone any more and the fact that they lost my dam tool box was the end of the line. He is working on it I think. Im * now I want my tools and I dont care if the whole place has to go to sears with credit cards to buy em!
Ok I feel better now....
Dave :(
Oh ya someone lost a whole sheet of my tools that never got ordered? Of course they are blaming the insurance company. And I had to fax these guys a list of the stuff I dont have cause they dont know whats been shipped and what hasnt ? Ive got  packing slips with billing  to everyone but the company im working with ? What a big scam this is....
Maybe I dont feel better  :?: :evil:


GEEZ. I feel sorry for ya! It seems to be real difficult to find someone who cares enough to make sure things are right.  My theory is that 20% of the people do the thinking and work for the remainder. If you don't get one of the 20%, you're in trouble.


A few years ago, a guy I work with had his Shop broken into while he was on vacation and lost a bunch of tools and an Air Compressor. His Insurance company apparently had the same kind of deal as yours, as far as handling the replacement themselves.

They gave him the run-around for about 6 months, then tried to get him to take a Cash settlement which, of course, amounted to less than what he could replace them for. He refused the settlement, had a screaming fit in the Insurance office (in front of other customers) and about a week later he had his stuff.

He may be wrong, but he figures they did all that crap on purpose just to see if they could get him to take the loss. I think he's right.


sorry to post this.... but by now if I was in your place ,  I would using 4 or 6 or 10 letter words to people to make my point.

I might even drive or fly down to visit some of these goofs in person.

I PO'd a young kid the other day at a Sears service / parts center about parts for my professional tool box.  The box is fully warranteed and I need a slide-rail for a drawer.

After explaining the situation for the second time , I asked to speak to someone that had some sort of intelligence on the parts.  He got a bit miffed at me.

I got the answer though.  Now I need to talk to the store again, should be interesting.  I just want the * part & I ain't paying any cash for it.  LOL

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


It seems all too familiar doesn't it.
They promise the world and will do anything for you and then the minute they have your money............well, sorry,but who are you??



Quote from: "Crosley"sorry to post this.... but by now if I was in your place ,  I would using 4 or 6 or 10 letter words to people to make my point.

I might even drive or fly down to visit some of these goofs in person.

I PO'd a young kid the other day at a Sears service / parts center about parts for my professional tool box.  The box is fully warranteed and I need a slide-rail for a drawer.

After explaining the situation for the second time , I asked to speak to someone that had some sort of intelligence on the parts.  He got a bit miffed at me.

I got the answer though.  Now I need to talk to the store again, should be interesting.  I just want the * part & I ain't paying any cash for it.  LOL

Well the adjuster called me today then she called wally in california thats supposed to get me my stuff and she reamed him good. He has about 1 week to deliver or he has to send me a check for the stuff I dont have.
He told her that he told me id have it all by tuesday.. Another lie  Wally wont even talk to me cause I think I asked to many questions like when Is it gonna be shipped and stuff like that. She also told him that he didnt loose one full sheet of tools cause she faxed all the info to him for pricing and got pricing back. Hummm another lie. Its prolly a good thing wally is in CA cause id prolly be close to going to jail :)
Im not blaming the insurance company they did thier part once I had a little chat with my agent the first time around and the adjuster has been really cool also and is going the extra mile at this point. What it is is the company they used thats trying to screw them and me by telling lies and trying to buy cheaper than whosale i think.
Im not done yet cause when I talk to the adjuster again im going to mention the fact that I have packing slips with wierd names and companys on them that dont jive with the name of the company thats getting my stuff. Someone is scamming here and its at my expense and that folks dont make me very happy :(
Stay Tuned film at 11 Michigan man freaks out and beats up california man :twisted:
Dave 8)