Off Topic - Another Computer Question

Started by Bib_Overalls, May 03, 2005, 08:48:11 PM

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Past week or so I have been getting a lot of e-mail reject messages.  Rejects for messages I never sent.  Messages that have an obviously made up name linked to my legit e-mail address.  Everything from stock tips to kiddy *.  Obviously, I am only getting the rejects and a lot of people are getting spam, some of it XXX with my name attached.  Seems like my e-mail address has been hijacked.  Is there anything I can do to stop this?  Is there any risk to me.  I have visions of the FBI showing up to take my computer and charge me with being an on line porno king.
An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks


Quote from: "Bib_Overalls"Past week or so I have been getting a lot of e-mail reject messages.  Rejects for messages I never sent.  Messages that have an obviously made up name linked to my legit e-mail address.  Everything from stock tips to kiddy #####.  Obviously, I am only getting the rejects and a lot of people are getting spam, some of it XXX with my name attached.  Seems like my e-mail address has been hijacked.  Is there anything I can do to stop this?  Is there any risk to me.  I have visions of the FBI showing up to take my computer and charge me with being an on line porno king.

Sounds like you have a email virus.
Try i think it is and do an online scan of your puker


Don't worry, you haven't been sending out failed messages.

The virus/trojan is attached to them. It spoofs email addresses so you will be more likely to open them. Just delete.


hotrodmatt is correct. Don't open them.............If you have, in an attempt to see what "you" sent, you could be in trouble. Run your protection......Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...



I had this happen to me.  I'm assuming you have virus protection software like Norton so you are reasonably well protected.  It is likely you sent an email to someone with an infected computer.  Their virus stripped your email address off and listed it as the sender then sent the virus to everyone in their address book, etc.  There is nothing you can do about it and eventually it will run it's course as the affected computers get the virus cleaned up.  Delete and don't open these emails.  It's frustrating but you should be okay.  Cal   :wink:
Great Grandma Lee always said;  FAIR something you pay when you get on the bus!

Mr Cool

Certainly sounds like someone that has your email address also has an infected computer. You'll probably never know who it is either.
Some virises find an email addy from an address book at random, attach that as sender and email itself out to a whole lotta other people it chooses at random. It can send many thousands of emails before some fools realise whats happening. Its usually too late and you'll find that those same people are too * tight to get a/v software too.
Dont panic, just delete them as they come in, certainly dont open them no matter how curious you are.
Im nobody, right?
And dont forget, nobody\'s perfect.