Started by 38HAULR, March 05, 2005, 11:36:44 PM

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Quote from: "Bib_Overalls"Someone who takes offense because they can not acknowledge true history and get on with their lives does not deserve sympathy.  But when the history is wrong we all have an obligation to square it up.  
It's the ideals, such as Bib stated here, that makes the RRT community more than just a bunch of rodders.  In my opinion we are a diversified group of people  with a sense of fairness and right and wrong that could be an example to society in general...regardless of geographical or political boundaries.

I enjoy these off topic threads when members express their opinions and are tolerant enough to not be too judgemental.  Whether we agree or not, I think we all learn from them.  And we do it without being overly PC.



While the local residents of Texas were fighting for their own independance of Texas territory, and it wasn't originally the USA vs. Mexico, the battle for the Alamo, as I understand it ....became the "reason" that the US Army got involved. From there, when we eventually won against the Mexican Army, it was a major land grab to include all the way over to California. I could be wrong here on a few minor details, it's been a few years.

However, the Mexicans had been invaded by Spain in the past and the Spanish/Mexican priests, including Father Junipero Serra, marched up the California coast to establish missions and to "civilize" the native indians, effectivly pulling off a non-to-little violent invasion and land grab for Mexico.

So I guess it all depends on your perspective on when and how you look at things.

I often wondered how Baja California would look today if that was part of the United States when we got the rest of California. I'd bet it would be one heck of a resort/vacation place.



Man, just think, if Southern Ontario was to be part of the good ole US of A then my dollar would be worth 100 cents right now instead of  about 75, and I would only be paying about 6% state taxes instead of 15% (after it's converted to Ceh, Neh, Deh, dollars, which equates to a lot more than I can figure out with no trusty calculator :D

ps not to mention our $3.00 a gallon gas :cry:
If a blind person wears sunglasses, why doesn\'t a deaf person wear earmuffs??


All interesting comments there,we have similar PC issues here trying to put a different spin on our history,we have Australia day on 26 Jan,which acknowledges the landing of the "first fleet" 1788.We have disruptive elements trying to call the day "invasion day",denigrating our flag as a symbol of "opression".And next month on Apr 25 we have ANZAC day ,a day of rememberance,which honours and pays respect to our fallen in all theatres of war.We do not shirk from the fact that the 25th April is the anniversary of the first landing at Gallipoli 1915,which in military terms was a disaster, after 8 months of heavy losses for little or no gain ,we withdrew ,the actual withdrawal was a master stroke of stealth,with some Aussie ingenuity setting up fixed rifles with drip cans operating the triggers sporadically firing ,giving the enemy the impression we were still there.  This defeat forged a lasting legacy of mateship amongst Australians and New Zealanders.I wonder what the PC brigade will try to do with this.............Frank.


The Texas history knowledge here astounds me!
since I'm not a native Texan, but I did get here as soon as I could.
speaking of being PC

do you know what Davey Crockett said to Jim Bowie when he saw Santa Ana's army coming?

Hey Jim, we pouring concrete today?

that should get a few comments :shock:

"I don\'t know what your problem is, but I bet its hard to pronounce"

1934 Ford 3 Window
Member, Rural Rodders
Member, National Sarcasm Society  "Like we need your support"
*****Co-Founder  Team Smart*****


Saw a real interesting doco about the Tejanos recently. Yeah, they got the * end of the stick in history, but man, they didn't want to be Mexicans! Forget the guys name, but he was head Tejano, did a huge amount for the establishment of texas, resistance against Mexico etc. Austin came in and kinda got close to him for his own reasons. Of course Austin is now Austin and the other guy is....the other guy.


Don't forget Frank, re. ANZAC, the British put us there! The (no so) genius of a certain Mr Churchill.


That,s right x38, apart from landing in the wrong spot, and facing terrible odds,those running the battle were on ships out to sea,and their opposite counterparts ,the Turks and their German "advisor" Von Sanders were on site close to the action and had a handle on the situation.Do not start me on the British,April the 11 th is approaching,that was the day in 1917 when the British high command on the Western front came up with a brilliant battle plan that used Australian infantry unsupported by the usual artillery to attack the Hindenberg line East of Bullecourt,they came up with the "brilliant " plan of using untried tanks to smash the wire entanglements,the tanks,of course broke down,and could not even traverse no man,s land quicker than the infantry any way.The men were thus exposed to merciless fire as they kicked and hacked their own way through the wire,they managed  somehow to take  sections of the  first and second lines,then fought to hang on against counter attacks,many were surrounded ,they ran out of ammo,and whilst this was going on [the battle lasted some 7hrs] some 18 flares went up for artillery assist,all denied.The 4th div that day lost over 3000 men of the 5000 committed,this is close to our hearts ,as my wife,s grandfather was one of those captured on that day and ended up a POW. Of the 798 men and 20 officers in his battalion who went over the top that morning,3 officers and 123 men answered the roll that night . So much again for the British planning.............Frank.


No Frank, don't start ME on the British!

Those tanks were probably Jags.

Hope to catch up at the Nats.


Do not know what make they were x38,they were certainly unreliable,that attack was set for the dawn of the 10th apr. because the tanks did not turn up due to mechanical problems,the Aussies who had been in position from 3am in a light snowstorm,withdrew before dawn.When the "stunt was called off and rescheduled for the next morning,the British command did not tell their own  ,and a British regiment that was to attack Bullecourt itself as the Aussies attacked the line further east,went ahead and suffered heavy losses of their own.The Germans were fully alert in this sector,nothing was learnt.After the debacle of Apr 11 ,the process was repeated  the following month ,using the other Aussie divisions on the same section of line,this was known as 2nd Battle of Bullecourt May 3-17 1917 ,no tanks, conventional artillery this time.British attacked in coordination and Bullecourt fell.They even did not eliminate a German mg position that was on the Aussie left flank that caused heavy casualties in Apr. Another 7000 Aussie casualties,in the 2nd battle.I must point out that my dislike goes to the hierachy,of class chosen commanders ,not the average British soldier who would also have suffered .The planning was atrocious,the Australian commanders in Apr expressed misgivings and were over ruled before the attack.It was an Australian artillery  battery that opened up in defiance of orders,to help the stricken infantry,but this was too late.One of the tanks actually fired into the Aussie positions before it was immobilised.These tanks were manned by mechanics under their own independant command,half of the crewmen were killed on that Apr morning.This is starting to make my blood coagulate..........Frank.


Small note on the alamo,
If you get to San Antonio don't look for a small outpost,The Alamo is on a 4 lane street in down town.
At the time Texas was an independent country(now you get The lone star state)
Irene is from Texas(brownsville)but that is worlds apart from San Antonio.
Trxas is BIG,when we are going home we get a room in Houston,couse its a full days drive to Brownsville from there.
Irenes of mexican desent but man you don't call the people in south Texas mexicans! And if you spend any time on the boarder you can pick mexicans out real easy.
How time changes,if my mother in law was still alive I would still have to sit on the porch!(father in law liked me?)
Talk about family,wow With people of mexican backround,it's all family.
but her mom just did not like gringos(but loved the kids)
seems to me in Texas(south) all the history they teach is Texas history
Later Russ


It looks as if the situation there is the same here Russ. There is not enough taught widely in our education system today on our past history,that actually shaped the great countries we live in.Some historic events are kept to local communities,or within families whose forebears participated.One good example here would be to go outside of my state[Victoria] to the other side of Australia,and ask about the Eureka Rebellion,very few would know.This was an event where the miners of Ballarat became fed up with what they saw as oppression,and harsh treatment by the authorities,they unfurled the southern cross flag,[the southern cross is a star formation seen in our skies] armed themselves and set up a stockade.This was stormed by troopers in the early hours of Dec3 1854.I note that one of our contributors on this site actually quotes the miners oath on his signature...........Frank.


Most people have never heard of the "war" between Ohio and Michigan, but we have already discussed this here and things have finally settled back down so i won't open that can of worms again!!!!   :shock:
 (besides, Ohio lost and we all know how they get!)


Yup, we had to take Toledo, and you got the Yoopers. I think you got a better deal.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.