
Started by Sean, December 26, 2004, 01:19:15 PM

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Have you all been keeping up with that earthquake in Asia? Looks like lots of Americans, Australians, and Europeans were over there, not to mention all the villages that got wiped out from the Tsunami. Last I read, the death toll was at 8,000 and rising.

Yahoo's news site says it registered 8.9 and that the entire Earth was vibrating from it. Hopefully it doesn't set off any more...


looks bad.

I've read 8,000 to over 11,000 dead.

In time  more information will be forth coming

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Quote from: "Crosley"looks bad.

I've read 8,000 to over 11,000 dead.

In time  more information will be forth coming

don't we have some guys in Perth? and ain't that on the west end of oz?

are they affected?
The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it\'s still on my list


Quote from: "tomslik"
Quote from: "Crosley"looks bad.

I've read 8,000 to over 11,000 dead.

In time  more information will be forth coming

don't we have some guys in Perth? and ain't that on the west end of oz?

are they affected?

well acording to OZ wasn't affected.

later jim
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


I feel for them. i went through one of them in Japan in 68, and it's still with me every day. And that one was only 6.8.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


THIS IS SHOCKING NEWS.  According to the 7:00pm news tonight the death toll is over 15000 people - mainly in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia.  Many children have apparently died.

Australia has not been affected directly but two Australians are confirmed dead with several still missing.  No information on other foreign nationals.

All aid agencies are asking for donations to help the the survivers.  Disease is going to be the next big killer as most of the coastal infrastructure in these countries has been destroyed.



Some places on the Web are saying over 20,000 now. Friday night I was wondering if there would be any large attacks in Iraq over the Holiday...Looks like this is much  worse.


the last count I heard was 17,000 but that could be old news by now.
This one was upgraded to 9 richter. There have been no reports or news from any villages in the area where the epicentre was, which doesn't look good.

Just a few days ago there was an 8.1 earthquake near Macquarie Island, between Tasmania and Antarctica. Where I live on the south east is only about 700km away and it shook my house and there was a roaring noise like wind. That was 700 km away! And the one in INdonesia was a 9!
Until the Indonesian one, the one south of here was teh biggest all year in the world, but luckily it was horizontal movement not vertical so there was no Tsunami, or I might still be swimming.


Quote from: "carnut1100"the last count I heard was 17,000 but that could be old news by now.
This one was upgraded to 9 richter. There have been no reports or news from any villages in the area where the epicentre was, which doesn't look good.

Just a few days ago there was an 8.1 earthquake near Macquarie Island, between Tasmania and Antarctica. Where I live on the south east is only about 700km away and it shook my house and there was a roaring noise like wind. That was 700 km away! And the one in INdonesia was a 9!
Until the Indonesian one, the one south of here was teh biggest all year in the world, but luckily it was horizontal movement not vertical so there was no Tsunami, or I might still be swimming.

The video of the Tsunamis is all over the t.v. this morning it's very frightening to watch! they could apparently see the Tsunami coming and in some places went TO the water to see what is was.....


The 7:00pm news tonight (Tuesday) 29000 killed with many more expected.  Six Australians confirmed dead with 11 missing presumed dead.

The weird thing is that you could be walking along the beach an ocean away and still be killed by a wave that started many thousands of miles away.



Just saw some whingeing * on TV complaining that it took the Australian Government too long to get him and his missus out of there.  What a totally selfish mongrel!  Thousands of people dead, millions homeless and all this moron can think of is complaining that the government didn't get him home fast enough.  

Like these people are wealthy enough to take a holiday at an overseas resort but it's up to the government to use taxpayer's money to help these morons get home when the weather goes bad.  Like as if it was the Government's fault.  

They should send the whining bastard back!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Carps"
They should send the whining bastard back!

They should send him back and force him to help search for Bodys. Maybe after a few days of that he will realize just how fortunate he was...

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "Sean"
Quote from: "Carps"
They should send the whining bastard back!

They should send him back and force him to help search for Bodys. Maybe after a few days of that he will realize just how fortunate he was...

This is a disaster of huge scope and scale; very sad indeed.  The power of nature is incredible.  These waves travelled 4500km to Africa, and were still 3m high!

On the news tonight they showed a clip from a resort; not Puket; but near there.  I do not know how honest it was, but it showed some european tourists doing aqua-aeorbics, another sunning herself, and another snorkling in the sea.  Just 100m away there was mass death and destruction being cleaned-up.  

Some of these areas are populated by some of the poorest people in the world today.  The problem now seems to be the risk of gastric disease, from contaminated water supplies.


This is without doubt the most devastating disaster of our lifetimes,the magnitude of which I'm sure most of us can't comprehend.I am told there are over 2.9 billion people in the United States....Imagine if everyone would/could donate just $1....Imagine the help/relief that could bring to the survivors! If anyone feels inclined to help.....Below is a link to the American Red Cross online donation page. You will note that the INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE FUND is the proper category to choose to make certain your money goes to this particular effort. It couldn't be more easy for you to show your support with a small financial donation to the efforts.

Let's show the world what we can do to help.

If this post doesn't fall under the forum guidelines....I'll understand if it's removed.
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Here is a link to some before and after photos of the areas affected by the Tsunamis....It is hard to comprehend the damage done by that huge,swift wall of water.Some of the news footage is really hard to watch!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"