Bad News

Started by enjenjo, December 09, 2004, 09:42:36 PM

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I got a call from a friend's wife today, he is in the hospital, they are amputating part of his foot. He is diabetic, his kidneys failed several years ago, shortly after he retired as a Policeman. At this point, things don't look too good for him.

We haven't spent much time together the last few years, because of his dialyisis schedule, but we do talk on the phone quite often. He has been a car and bike nut his entire life, but this disease has really ruined his plans for retirement. He will be 61 next month. We have been buddies for over 20 years. I built a couple cars for him, a 41 chevy, and a 68 Camaro, and he bought my 75 GMC pickup which he still has. He planned for him and I to go to car shows together, But we haven't been able to do it for nearly 5 years now.

Right now I am feeling pretty down, because I have had three other friends that went the same way, and it isn't pleasant to watch. :cry:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Frank, sorry to hear this.

I have friends and realitives with type 1 diabetes.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Enjenjo, I'm sorry to hear that. It seems we never make time for things we wish we had!!   Not to be mean or anything but maybe it will not be a long drawn our ordeal  :cry:  Its hard to watch our friends or family go thru stuff like this.
We are experiencing the same thing right now too  :cry: , those that were at our cookout will know, those that wern't I posted something earlier this summer. Rob's best friend, he did a lot of the cooking on my grill, and had the Raspberry 40 ford at the cookout. was diagnosed with Lung cancer in the spring. He had a lung removed and is doing great. Well he went into the dr for a follow up after completing chemo and radiation. he found out the tue before thanksgiving that the tumor is growing on a nerve and aorta in his sholder. can't do surg or radiation. he was given 3-9 mos to live. His 48th birthday is 12/19.
He asked us to go to his family thanksgiving (they consider us his family also) so he could have our support when he told his family, 3 sisters, 2 brothers and his mom.  You talk about the worst experience ever  :cry:  :cry:
Thankfully for now he is in good spirits and health. But he is down here most everynight, he is selling most everthing he has , it's just not right!!
If you feel like we do right now, and I'm sure you do, it really puts a damper on the holidays and everything else too. Rob's taking it really hard. I thought maybe we could ask him if he wants to come to the next build day. were just trying to keep him busy right now.


Sorry to hear about your friend! Better day tommoro!

Charlie Chops 1940

Sorry to hear. We just never know where we are really at on the old tape measure....seems like so much of this just lately.  Try to keep your spirits up. I know it isn't easy. You're all in our thoughts and prayers.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Charlie's right...there's too much of this lately.  Frank I'm sorry to hear this.  Your friend, his family and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Diabetes is becoming a real problem nowadays.  Many of us are overweight and don't get much exercise.  I went to the doctor today and those are two things he told me to get a handle on.



Yes , it does seem like there is much more of this lately. My wifes brother went that route for years and passed away this last January. I hope that your friend can at least participate in some of his favorite activities in the future. A Yooper friends Dad had a foot amputated this past year and he said the change was dramatic, he had had gangrene in him for so long that he didn't want to do anything. He was able and WANTING to do more after the operation.   Hopefully this will actually help your friend!


Diabetes is often times a brutal disease.I have a couple family members as well as several friends that have it in varying forms.I also have a neighbor that just had his foot removed above the ankle....he was a very active person before and now he won't leave the house.I hope your friend has a more positive attitude and doesn't let it get him down.I wish both of you the best!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


My buddy has a very positive attitude, that and a strong faith in the lord has sustained him in his trouble. He is scheduled for vein reconstruction surgury monday, his foot surgury went as well as can be expected.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


We'll be pulling for him.  I know it's not easy.
The only dumb question is the one you don\'t ask


3 years ago I went to 9 funerals in 45 days. These were all people that were inportant to me. Since then it has slowed down. I feel for all who have pain cause there isn't anything you can do about it. You should just hope you can make everyday count.


My thoughts and prayers go out to both him and Debb and Rob's buddy. :(
Your topless crusn buddy, Denise

Looking for old good for nothing flathead heads to use for garden project.

midnight sun

Sorry to hear that Frank.  Seems we share stuff like this much too often.

You and your friend/family are in our prayers.

Take Care
How can there be "self help" groups :?:


My wife is type 1 Diabetic. She is pretty careful about her diet, and taking her Insulin on time, hopefully she continues to do so.

On the other hand,  I had an Uncle with Diabetes that didn't follow the Doctors orders at all. When he took his Insulin, he usually just guessed at the amount instead of checking his blood sugar. That went on for years without seeming to bother him, but when it finally hit, it hit hard. First he had a Heart attack that they linked to his Insulin usage, then not long afterwards he had to have a couple of his toes amputated. Even after those two scares, he still wouldn't keep track of his Insulin or his diet and the second heart attack killed him at the age of 63...


Man .............I hate to read threads like this.
Sorry to here about your buddy,Frank,  AND Rob's buddy(Deb.I think I remember him from the party.)
I also have friends(brothers),both are diabetic. One(married with two children) takes VERY good care of himself,but his nearly blind and has already had a pancreas/kidney transplant  a few years back,and BOTH have failed again................Sucks to lose them so young.
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.