Update on Radiator

Started by Leon, February 16, 2004, 08:34:39 PM

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A while back I posted about problems getting my radiator for the Packard.  Well, I got the new one today and thought I'd pass on the results.  Last August when I ordered it I supplied a drawing for a 3 core aluminum radiator, and it finally arrived right after Christmas.  It was a 2 core and the dimensions were wrong, so I sent it back.  (so far $633)  I told them to do it right, and they responded it would be a week to 10 days to fix it.  It is now 6 months from the original order and I got my radiator - finally a 3 core, but the mounting holes are not wide enough so I'll have to redo the radiator support so it will mount up.  Plus to do the radiator the way I wanted it (the way it was originally ordered) was more so they hit my credit card for $200 more.  I'm so fed up that I don't care if the thing even works.  I guess that's what I get for trying to boost the economy.  Also, the company is Air Mobile out of Arizona.  Now if I could get chrome in less than 3 1/2 months, but that's another story........ :(


Quote from: "Crosley"
At the price you paid maybe Ron Davis radiators would have been a better option

I think almost anyone would have been better.  I was looking it over closely this evening and found it isn't a one piece three core, but a 2 core welded to a 1 core.  I'm not sure if that is a standard practice but it seems like the fins don't line up from front to back to let air flow properly.
Next project I'll know better.