
Started by lofat46, September 04, 2021, 08:52:24 AM

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Can't wait to get up there. Getting into town Thursday.


I'm amazed at how fast the summer has gone by. I'm in awe that it's September now.  :)

Charlie Chops 1940

Looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Doing a little maintenance on the convert and a good cleaning. Last trip, to Louisville took a  toll. Rear shocks died...fixed that when I got home with a new pair of QA1's.Required some modifications but working good now. Had a tail pipe hand die  about 30 miles north of Louisville. We did a McGiver repair while getting gas. Just fixed that. Horns quit last summer...ignored it. Thought I would fix that this week. Four days...new relay, new horns, steering wheel ground wire repaired which required  a couple more repairs and in the end a very delicate repair to the back side of the self cancelling mechanism ( the spring died in the ground wiper button. All better now. Got a bit of old parts on that car car which are now very hard to repair or even replace.

See ya all at the Zoo.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


Had a good time as usual, regardless of what happened with the car.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


WOW! Three old gassers that by the looks, might have a tough time carrying the front end.
See what 20 years will do to the likes of Don, George and Ken............
Miss the gatherings, Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Quote from: slocrow on September 13, 2021, 05:23:01 PM
WOW! Three old gassers that by the looks, might have a tough time carrying the front end.
See what 20 years will do to the likes of Don, George and Ken............
Miss the gatherings, Frank

I was there, but the camera broke when it got to me ;D
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Probably the wide angle feature, these days (smile)
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Quote from: slocrow on September 14, 2021, 10:17:04 AM
Probably the wide angle feature, these days (smile)

I'll have you know that I have lost 50 pounds since you saw me last. ;D
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: 416Ford on September 13, 2021, 01:01:02 PM
Had a good time as usual, regardless of what happened with the car.

Did you have problems with your car?
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


It has been a frustrating morning with me trying to get an appointment with AT&T to get a truck to my house with replacement equipment so my U-verse will work again. I diagnosed the problem and then spent one hour on the phone with Singapore Sal and a stateside new guy who had to go by the book, as he crashed the switched location replacement box. Frustration runs rampant here this morning.  Now where's that old antenna. But, enough of that....

Hey, that 50lbs is a lot of weight to shed and hopefully by choice, good on you. I hope the LSMFT's are also behind you by now.

The car...............strange you should ask as it just went down the road two weeks ago.
I was going to change the pic but with all the RRT site changes recently I thought I'd wait.
The car sat for a couple of years while I religiously charged the battery and last year I syphoned and dumped the older gas with good intentions but I had lost interest, not to mention a minor fuel delivery problem. I bought a new fuel pump also last year and it sat as my interest continued to wane.
This year about a month ago with some prodding from and old drag race friend and Charlie "Chops" I took the time to pop in the new mechanical pump, buy a new battery and fire her up. With a local yearly car show coming I washed off any crud, got out my fold up chairs, cooler and thought, why not drop on a for sale sign. I quickly made note of the cars assets, selected a price and added a phone number to a word document and headed out.
It felt good driving to the show and re-experiencing the old first to second shift tire squawk plus those loud pipes a blaring into these almost 80 year ears. I arrived early enough, picked an ideal spot, taped up the signs and retired to the inside bar for a few Arnold Palmers.
When I came out I was accosted by one guy and had several around asking questions. The genuine interest surprised me totally and one old rodder suggested that the crowd was familiar seeing 60's, 70's and 80's but not 30's and 40's so that might be a reason why.
Anyway, one 50ish chap seemed really interested and asked all the right questions, brought his friends by for a peak and consulted with a mutual rodder friend who knew the car. Upon leaving that night stated he'd be by tomorrow for a test drive and final review. Sure enough he called and then stopped by that Friday morning and after some discussion a deal was struck and he took it home that very day.
Do I miss it, yeah but it was a 20 year tour of meeting new friends, revisiting the car culture again void since the sixties and truly enjoying the travel to and from. Will I get another fun ride, I don't know as my time might be getting short for longer trips and sitting at a local show doesn't float my boat. We'll have to see what's ahead.
I'm still checking in here and do enjoy following along with the problem solvers and builders.
Now, it's about those extra parts I have laying around like distributer, water pump, trans cooler, corvette master, alternaters, 350 trans and drive shaft. Anybody want to buy a Racer Brown 49R cam and kit?
CU, Frank
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...


Quote from: slocrow on September 14, 2021, 12:04:56 PM

Hey, that 50lbs is a lot of weight to shed and hopefully by choice, good on you. I hope the LSMFT's are also behind you by now.

It was on purpose. I have plateaued at 235, but I'm trying for more.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Slocrow, that's a good story with a realistic approach to aging. When it's no longer fun, is it worth keeping the equipment around for a possible repeat? That's a question we will all be faced with if we continue. :)


Quote from: 416Ford on September 13, 2021, 01:01:02 PM
Had a good time as usual, regardless of what happened with the car.
Dave, what happened to the car?