steering clearance question

Started by chimp koose, May 09, 2017, 11:30:28 PM

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chimp koose

OK guys lets have it , how much clearance do you need as a minimum steering/frame and steering/engine  ? I am thinking I can get closer to the frame than the engine as the engine can move around but how much do I need ? I am looking at 1/4" for the engine and less for the frame right now . Non torque side of the engine so I am thinking it should be OK but what do you think ? I will also have to have a look at the aftermarket heads I will be using to see if they are much different than the stockers on now near the deck surface . Thanks in advance .

chimp koose

Post seemed clear late last night . Reading it now its rather confusing . I am putting in the steering shaft from column to rack and was wondering how much clearance I need as a minimum between frame /steering and engine / steering . With the aluminum heads I will be using , they may be different than the stockers in the area where there is the least clearance . I believe I will be able to solve my problem by just moving the steering column out towards the frame rail about 1/4-3/8 " . Just for reference , the law in Australia states there must be at least 10mm clearance between any suspension and steering components through the entire range of motion .


It is hard to say without a picture but I think in this case plain old common sense is your best guide.  Allow for as much clearance as possible and that it works without any binding, then it should be good to go.  Heat from exhaust should be considered, but I have built more than one that was very close to the exhaust manifold.  

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

chimp koose

Thanks for the reply . I know race car stuff better this way than street stuff. My Anglia only had 2 u joints and lots of room . I am pretty much set on moving the steering column to make more room . After that there should be much more room . my frame is 19" inside to inside . It is actually 1" narrower inside than the stock T .

chimp koose

Moved the column over tonight and now can just about slide a finger between steering and engine . I will have to make the shaft from the u joint at the column about 1" longer to get more frame clearance at the next u joint down by the frame .


C.K., i just had a thought about this. Scarey at best. :) If you have no intention of driving this for hours, the heat factor will probably not be an issue. I think a steering box would have to get hot before you would have a lubrication failure. Your finger sounds good to me.

chimp koose

KB the worry was not about steering box heat as the rack is out front of the engine but rather for enough clearance to not ever experience bind on the steering shafts from some sort of movement . I don't regret moving the column . I have plenty 3/8" ish clearance now .