Save the Salt

Started by WZ JUNK, June 09, 2016, 02:17:42 AM

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A great effort is underway to repair the damage done to the Bonneville Salt Flats by the mismanagement of this great natural resource.  Here is a link to an article published in the Salt Lake City newspaper.

Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


John, it's about time that the politicians and everybody else "in control" gets on with the restoration work.  It's a shame that the BLM has it's collective head up their *. Of course BLM is just like any other government bureaucratic office.


Good article by Landspeed Louise.

So many incompetent idiots in the Guvbermint.  They keep their jobs via more studies and stupid repeat actions.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Below is a partial quote;
"Herbert signed a resolution passed by the Utah Legislature urging the BLM to formulate a plan to restore the BSF International Speedway to safe land speed racing conditions"

The BLM has already been formulating this plan for ?? years. So far their plan has not worked. The majority of their plan is further study. The best move would be to remove the salt flats from BLM control, but that won't happen.

Another partial quote;
"Since the BLM is a federal agency, the racing community is now calling on the U.S. Congress to provide direction through legislation"

Even those of us at the forefront cannot agree on the best restoration method. I am far from an engineer, but some of the ideas don't make much sense to me. How could I think that a Congressman would understand the situation to make the appropriate legislation.

Sorry for the downer post. I want to see the restoration of the salt flats. I love the place and would like to see quality racing there continue. I believe Save the Salt Coalition/Utah Alliance is doing all they can toward that. Dealing with our government is a kiss of death.

Charlie Chops 1940

Thanks for posting that John.

I have noticed a lot of talk over on the LandSpeed board that the BLM is apparently applying pressure there for censorship of views opposing the BLM. From what I read it sounds like the BLM is not only mismanaging the resources but is probably or possibly in the pockets of the potash industry. I wouldn't want to step out of line and make any accusation I can't back up but someone - say - The GAO maybe needs to follow the money and life styles of some of the players to see if there is undue financial influence.....
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!


I was there in 1992. I saw the pumps. I saw the lines. There is no question what was going on. Someone in BLM sold the salt! No one could do anything because they knew that the flats could be closed down. I realize that it's easy to say it's just the government but that's not fair. In every business and every form of governance we have room for dishonesty and deceit. The fact is that people are for sale. Where you set the price will determine if you are part of the problem or not. I'm sick about this but I know enough to be aware that somebody with a lot of stroke has allowed this to happen. We'll have to wait and see if this can be stopped. Most of you have seen the pics back in the 60's when the salt was 3' thick. I saw the areas that were a few inches thick. When the truth finally comes out, it will be interesting to see who and how many are involved.


I really don't like BLM - almost as bad as IRS or ATF.
Rrumbler - Older, grouchier, broken; but not completely dead, yet.