Jeffs flathead drama

Started by bucketmouth, May 30, 2016, 07:22:43 AM

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I have a unbelievable but good vendor story. We hear of peoples bad experiences but not neccasarily about the good and here's a good one.

I gave my friend a hand to assemble his flathead. On the initial start up it fired up and ran really well and made no abnormal noises and we were so pleased with it. So we filled it with coolant fired it up then noticed a a small pin hole water leak then another one and then another one from the right hand head.
Our initial excitement turned to despair. The head was a brand new Offenhouser head never been used before. It had flaws in the casting from the factory.
Jeff still had the receipt for the heads from 1998 that was 17 years ago so who would honor that?.With the prospect of having to buy a pair of new heads he thought he would contact Speedway Motors who he had bought them from and explain to them the circumstances and hoped that maybe they would contact Offenhauser and sell Jeff just the one new head in stead of the usual two.

Well who would have ever thought after all that time any company would still honor their product and service?
But Offenhauser did and gave Jeff a brand new head to replace the porous head at no cost.

Speedway Motors could have said bad luck mate it was too long ago and Offenhauser could have said like wise but to their credit they did the right thing and to be honest most of us would have thought the same.

Now that's two businesses that did the right thing and to me you can't buy that sort of good publicity.
Thank you Speedway Motors and Offenhauser for your good will.
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


I've had similar service from NuRelics power windows, and New Port wipers. They stood behind their product long after the warrantee  ran out.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


good to read about service.  Customer attitude has a lot to do with looking outside the warranty time limit too.

The AFR  aluminum  heads on my Simca 327 chev engine, are 18 yrs old before I used them.   Time gets away from us sometimes.  LOL

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)