Chat room

Started by Pete, May 30, 2016, 10:50:33 PM

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Does anyone ever use the chat?
This is one of the best forums on the internet and I would expect the chat would be going 24/7.
I guess I am just used to ones that are on other subjects.


It has not been used in some time. I used to go there at the designated time, but no one would join me, and after an hour or so I would leave. I have no objection of starting it up again, just pick a day and time and I will be there.

Or, if you feel like chatting, post it, and we'll see who shows up.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"It has not been used in some time. I used to go there at the designated time, but no one would join me, and after an hour or so I would leave. I have no objection of starting it up again, just pick a day and time and I will be there.

Or, if you feel like chatting, post it, and we'll see who shows up.

For quite some time I have not been able to pinpoint a specific time due to work, but I check other chats several times a day and randomly catch people.
For now, the best I can do is just check in when I am able to several times a day and hope for the best. I will give it a try 2moro.