Give a kid a magazine

Started by WZ JUNK, September 11, 2004, 06:25:46 AM

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Some of you know that I drive a school bus twice a day.  Between the morning and afternoon trips on the bus I work on hot rods.  My spouse reminded me the other day that I need to throw out some of my accumulation of reading material (hot rod magazines).  I hate to throw anything good away.    So I gathered up a stack and took them with me to the bus this evening.  I gave them away to kids that wanted one as they got on the bus.  I solved two problems, I got rid of some magazines and I had a bunch of kids occupied for the trip home.   It occurred to me that maybe this was a good idea and one that I should tell others about .  Giving a kid something to read and maybe starting him on the way to the enjoyment of building and driving a hot rod.  I will be doing this again.  You might think of giving some of your old magazines to a local library or to a teacher or any other way that you could get them into the hands of a young reader.   If you think you might want to try something similar, the only advise I can give you is to use common sense when giving away a hot rod magazine to a kid.  We all know that ones like Street Scene or the Goodguys Gazette would be okay.   There are a few that would be inappropriate for kids because of language content and the models they use.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Quote from: "WZ JUNK"There are a few that would be inappropriate for kids because of language content and the models they use.

How long has it been since you were a teen? :wink:  I don't agree with the language either, but when I was a Teen, the scantily clad models draped over the Cars were a definite bonus...

I got my introduction to Rodding from Tommy McCray and his yellow Henry J at a very early age. My Dad had a string of Muscle cars in the late 60's and early 70's and I heard endless stories about racing from him.

Magazines however, taught me enough about different years, models, engines, parts, etc., to really expand my interest in the Hobby. It also helped considerably when I became a mechanics "Go-fer" at the age of 14. I could name every part on a Car or its engine, and had a good knowledge of the internal workings which impressed the mechanic and kept me from being relegated to pushing a broom.

I don't think Magazines are quite as educational nowdays as they were when I was a kid. They seem to be more advertising than anything else, but if they spark an interest in a kid, they have done their Job...


Fot the past few years I have given my extra car related mags to the auto body shop teacher at the local high school to share with the students.  I've seen them in other classes too.

Share the knowledge

Did we say it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Good idea.

You do need to watch the girly photos in them.  Some folks / parents get real upset at them.

Years ago I had Playboy center folds on my garage walls.  The whole walls were covered.  The young boys would sit across the street and use  binoculors to look.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)