65/66 Mustang Convertible inner frame support rails

Started by 38HAULR, March 20, 2014, 07:15:20 PM

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Hi .
I wonder if anyone with one of these vehicles can give me the correct dimensions for the longitude  under front floor rails  that sit between the front torque box and the cross rail that holds the trans mount.
I am after the width.
At the moment I have a vehicle where both have been repaired at some stage and both are different.  Want to do some tidying up.




The dimension will be the same for all body styles in that year range.

You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


Thanks 416Ford. Appreciate the effort for supplying this.
I am after the actual support rail dimensions themselves.
Convertibles use a pair approx 500mm long looks like 14g steel .
They sit under the front floor  going forward to the front torque boxes
Mine have been repaired at some stage in the past and are different widths. I want to tidy then up.


Frank, can you take a picture of the item you are looking for. The only thing that is missing from the frame diagram is the outer rocker and the seat pan dimensions.
You never have time to do it right the first time but you always have time to do it again.


Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Thats them.    Short convertible items. approx 500mm long.
I just need the width of the rail itself.  Height not too fussed as they sit pretty flush with the torque box and the cross support for the trans mount .
