Christmas List

Started by kb426, December 07, 2013, 06:58:40 PM

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It's getting close. Most of us seem to be old guys. What did you tell Santa you wanted????

Charlie Chops 1940

I bought a new cordlessdrill last week - Sharon said, "Merry Christmas" to which I gave the default answer for this time of the year...."Bah Humbug!"

I need to do an order with the Rodder's Journal folks for the new Peter Vincent picture book on the Bonneville Salt Flats. That will do it for me.

I'm road tripping Monday for a load of '40Ford sheet metal but that doesn't count for Christmas....

We shopped for the grand kids  last night....they're getting some cool stuff!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!

40 Chev Coupe

Santa's brining me a complete power steering package for my Camaro, from CPP.

I like the stuff you buy the grand kids that you GOTTA try out, just to make sure it works. Hate to give things that dont work.


My wife and i made a pact a few years ago not to get stuff for each other, it usually is something we didn't really want or need, but you know how that goes!  :roll: I see some stuff in the garage that I saw in a Menards ad a few weeks ago and mentioned that it was a good buy, so now I guess i should get the food processor she has been fawning over lately.....I really like getting stuff for the "kids" and grandson though.


We too get very little for each other as neither of us "need" anything ...

LOTS of stuff for the Kidd & his family.. Funny ...They put "restrictions" on what I can give to the grandkids ...  I found this neat little Mini-Bike at a garage sale this summer ..Made a quick call & was told ABSOLUTLY NOT..
 Gee ..I thought it was a great idea ...... :roll:

Strange ..There was an ad in today's paper with some slippers circled .. :?

 Hey Jim ...Is that something the pressmen do when they are bored  :?:

 Maybe it's some kind of message?? :idea:

Bob.... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


My  wife decided last week that "we" should get a new couch  & chair for Christmas. Old one was only 10 yrs old??? From the # of packages it looks like the grandkids are going to do quite well. Oh well, I had plenty of socks & underwear anyway!!!
grandchildren are your reward for not killing your teenagers!


A local Jeep dealer had a "one only" Wangler Sahara sale on Black Friday.
I saw it advertized on the Wed before and didn't believe it so I went to look after work. Sure enough the Wrangler was there as advertized. I offered to buy it then and was told "Friday only". I ask how much interest was expected and was told they had alrady had about 60 calls. I took a chance and showed up on Friday. All the sales contracts for the vehicle were put into a box and the lucky "winner" was drawn at 9am. My name was pulled. I ask how many others were in the box since the showroom was nearly empty. The answer was 3. One of those was my wife who was with me. I'm still unsure if I got a deal or got took. The price was very right. I thought I would replace my daily driver with the Wrangler. The first tank of fuel showed 13.5 mpg. That will never do! I am used to 35 mph in my little Cobalt.

Oh well... Merry Christmas to ME

Of course now I have to trick it up a bit.


This year we are going to celebrate Christmas at our daughter's house on the 20th. Our son's family is coming up from Cincinnati so well all be together. Son's daughter is swimming at an invitational meet in Canton so we'll all be available to "cheer her on" and it will also have his family close to Wooster so his in-laws get a shot with their grandkids. Things have been coming my way so much I don't care if I get anything or not. Had to have my dog (for 12 years) put down a couple of months ago due to heart problems. 2 weeks ago we rescued a (fixed) female that hadn't been in the pound long enough to pick up any of their ailments. She's adult enough to be house trained but young enough to have some "puppy" but not more than an old couple can't enjoy. Got the title for my truck from the wife's Credit Union in the mail the other day I've gotten my book but I've only gotten two chapters read. I just got a call and my new glasses ($330.00) have arrived so it should be smoother reading from here out. Everyone should feel so good. GPster


My granddaughter, who is eight, makes out like a bandit at Christmas, and my kids (35, 30, and 27) do quite well, too. My wife and I make out a list of four or five small things, mostly books and CD's that we like. Nothing big as we generally don't need anything. I have to replace my random orbital sander, but I would rather shop for that myself.
'32 3W

I write novels, too.