Thanks for a great time

Started by sal37, August 24, 2004, 11:58:44 PM

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Well, Popedownunder and I made it safely back to Australia (8/24/04) after another long trip across the Pacific.  All of our car booty also appears to have made it back in one piece and we did not have to pay any customs duty which really topped the trip off.

We came home with well over 100lbs in luggage and had to buy several bags to get it all home.  I also used about 20 rolls of film so I now have a great collection of photos from the events.  

I just want to thank all the RRT people that I met in the US as the new friendships and fantastic help you all provided made the trip very special and one that I will never forget.  You have a fantastic country and I hope to visit in a few years time (after the bank account has built up again).

Thanks again,


Hi Steve,Glad you and Neil made it home safely! Also glad you had a good time and enjoyed your stay in the U.S. I really enjoyed meeting you guys and hope to catch up with you again somewhere down the road.My grandson and I have spent a few minutes before bedtime several nights reading about of his first questions was "How long would it take us to get there in the HotRod" I told him that I wasn't sure but thought it would be lots of fun to find out!Get some rest and then get busy...with all those parts you bought,you've got lots of work ahead of you!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"

Bob K

Glad to hear you made it home safely Steve, it was great hanging with you at L'ville and B'ville.

Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Glad you guys had a good time and it was good getting some time to visit a little with both of you at b'ville.

I'll be down there sooner or later,



Steve, it was real nice to meet you and Neil. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your trip and everything went well.


Glad you made it home okay.  Your chairs are in storage in Oklahoma waiting for your return.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH


Glad you enjoyed yourselves, hope too see you again soon.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Sue and I enjoyed your company at the Motel. Im sure no one had as much fun as we did the one nite! Maybe sometime we can do it again. Dave :lol:

Pope Downunder

Quote from: "sal37"Well, Popedownunder and I made it safely back to Australia (8/24/04) SNIP

Thanks for the hospitality, we sure had a great time.  It is all still a bit of a blurr.  We packed a lot into the two and a half weeks, and we met lots of great people.  It is good to get to know some of you 'in person'.  

The LA part of the trip was also interesting; we traversed back and forth across th city several times.  We went to several rod shops and went of short tours of of several, visited the NHRA and Peterson museums, and the La Brea(?) Tar Pit musuem.  We went to the Donut Derelicts cruise at Huntington Beach and the Fudruckers cruise up a Pasedena.  We did some shopping and even went on a bus tour of Hollywood and one through Bellaire and Beverly Hills. We also went to 'Speed-Zone', as suggested by Don D; those little dragsters are fun.  Driving in LA was an experience!  :shock:  We managed OK, by having a navigator and a driver; I'd hate to be doing both.  The traffic generally was flowing well, although very fast and lots of merging to do.

The trip home wasn't as bad, as we left from LA 9:30pm Sunday, then slept a bit.  Arrived home 1pm Tuesday, tired, but not as jet-lagged as on the trip over.  Right now it is a matter of spending some time with the family, and getting back into routine (back to work next week).

I have started fitting some of the goodies I bought already; as some of the parts were for the pickup which is getting a fresh engine right now.