First time at the Salt

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, August 22, 2004, 02:01:42 PM

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Salt virgins?  I guess Janice and I were that.

A thanks to Bob for the motel room setup.  Regarding that motel, it was nice that I did not have to worry about Janice walking in the parking lot.  The place was full of racers and families, so i knew she was safe.  Mayb slip in an oily spot would be it... LOL

It was great to meet all the guys that I have chatted with only on the net.  PPtruck said something that stuck with me; he told me " I feel like I have known you a long time".  Very true words

I was teasing PPtruck about his age. Janice gave me that look ( what the F are you doing now?)..... she did not know PPtruck and I banter back & forth on age , Harleys , Hondas, Harleys , Hondas.. :wink:  Now that PPtruck has bought an orphan car  is a Honda next?? LOL

I get a kick from watching people. I'd see DRD57 scooter past on his tiny scooter and I'd smile. it's always great to chat with Don. We chatted about the left side of his car being dangerous with tires blowing up and doors getting him.

As Janice and I  sat in Hooleys pit, lets say an old Ford truck with lots of patina would pull up. They would get out to look at Sum's tear drop.  A roadster would pull up and they would check out the truck.  Then a stock van would pull up to check out the truck and roadster... then the tear drop.  Not too many tear drops with a pop-up section.

We sat and chatted with the Aussie guys for a while. Their views on events and parts for rods in the USA was very interesting. We also chatted about what parts cost in their country and various ways to get US bought parts home with minimum import duty.  I have never traveled internationally , so this was interesting to me.

Enjenjo & the RRT bbq trailer was great. Food was good , company was good, bench racing in the parking lot was good. I even got my hand in his pants... he was smiling too  8)

Janice & I had a great time.  You guys don't have to worry about 4-6-12 letter words in front of Janice.  She also sold speed parts at a local shop years ago , so she ain't ignorant about cars. I am very lucky to have her as my wife , best friend, partner in life.

I hope I can remember all the  names next time we meet.

Thanks again for a great time.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)

phat rat

I even got my hand in his pants... he was smiling too  

And he was smiling because???????? :shock:
Some days it\'s not worth chewing through the restraints.

58 Yeoman

I sure as he!! wouldn't have told anyone that.... :lol:
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "Crosley"Salt virgins?  I guess Janice and I were that.

A thanks to Bob for the motel room setup.  Regarding that motel, it was nice that I did not have to worry about Janice walking in the parking lot.  The place was full of racers and families, so i knew she was safe.  Mayb slip in an oily spot would be it... LOL

It was great to meet all the guys that I have chatted with only on the net.  PPtruck said something that stuck with me; he told me " I feel like I have known you a long time".  Very true words

I was teasing PPtruck about his age. Janice gave me that look ( what the F are you doing now?)..... she did not know PPtruck and I banter back & forth on age , Harleys , Hondas, Harleys , Hondas.. :wink:  Now that PPtruck has bought an orphan car  is a Honda next?? LOL

I get a kick from watching people. I'd see DRD57 scooter past on his tiny scooter and I'd smile. it's always great to chat with Don. We chatted about the left side of his car being dangerous with tires blowing up and doors getting him.

As Janice and I  sat in Hooleys pit, lets say an old Ford truck with lots of patina would pull up. They would get out to look at Sum's tear drop.  A roadster would pull up and they would check out the truck.  Then a stock van would pull up to check out the truck and roadster... then the tear drop.  Not too many tear drops with a pop-up section.

We sat and chatted with the Aussie guys for a while. Their views on events and parts for rods in the USA was very interesting. We also chatted about what parts cost in their country and various ways to get US bought parts home with minimum import duty.  I have never traveled internationally , so this was interesting to me.

Enjenjo & the RRT bbq trailer was great. Food was good , company was good, bench racing in the parking lot was good. I even got my hand in his pants... he was smiling too  8)

Janice & I had a great time.  You guys don't have to worry about 4-6-12 letter words in front of Janice.  She also sold speed parts at a local shop years ago , so she ain't ignorant about cars. I am very lucky to have her as my wife , best friend, partner in life.

I hope I can remember all the  names next time we meet.

Thanks again for a great time.

There are a number of reasons for which I regret not being on hand with the Tardel-McKenzie team this year, and one those is that I didn't get to meet you face-to-face, Tony.

I'm glad you and your wife had a good salt-virgins' Speed Week experience. That means you'll be back!


It was nice meeting you, nice to put a face to the communications.  See you next year!
Leon & Sharon


Nice meeting your wife Tony, she's handy with a knife too, she can have my back any time.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Tony, it was great to finally get to meet you.  I regret that we were so busy with the car that I did not get to sit down for a good visit with you and your wife.  Maybe next year.
Chopped 48 Chevy Truck
Former Crew chief #974 1953 Studebaker   
Past Bonneville record holder B/BGCC 249.9 MPH

Slick 50

Interesting dialog.

I've yet to make it to Bonneville, but I hope to make it soon.
Ken    8)
aka Slick 50


I have watched your story of trying to get to the "Salt" fore the last 3 years and I'm glad you and your wife made it. Now will you be back next year or will it be the year that you build the 1,200 sq. ft. addition on the house for her library and study?   GPster


Quote from: "phat rat"I even got my hand in his pants... he was smiling too  

And he was smiling because???????? :shock:

======= I had the donation of $ to hand to enjenjo for the food...... he was busy with both hands at the  bbq.  

He turned and said :" just put it in my pocket".  So I was digging around in his pocket to make change and he started giggling & smiling.... :!:

Of course there is the possiblity I am making some of that story up completely.  You guess which part

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


uhhhh, " he was busy with both hands"? :lol:
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


While I've visited the salt a few times and crewed before this trip was a First Time for me too.  First time driving!  I got to make 2 passes and got a tad over 169 on my second, C license, pass.  The experience was great!

I also went down early by a few days and got to help out with the set-up crew. There sure is a bunch of work that goes into turning the empty expanse of salt into a race venue. The crew that set up are a great gang and the work days were a blast. I'm looking forward to doing that again.

1149's best spped was 198.915,  to slow to match our dreams, but better than last year.  We returned home determined to do better on our homework over the course of the next year.  We'll never get close to record speeds by tuning all week like this. Gotta get faster out of the box first!



Better luck next year Mike.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Tony, it was really nice to finally meet you and Janice in person.  You weren't the only one that had his hand in enjenjo's pants.....I didn't dig for change tho :wink:    I think he had a hole in his pocket.    I also think he kept chewing on that ear of sweet corn just so people would have to stick their donations in his pants.  If this continues, I would suggest that the donations be collected by someone more resembling Jungle Pam in her day :shock:

It was nice to see all the other new faces too.   Neil and Steve from down under are now added to the list of familiar people, as are many others.

Mike, I always enjoy seeing the 1149 car run.  It was neat just to watch the excitement in your pit with you and Ted's wife (I think) getting your licenses.....and the hopes of the car hitting that 200 mark.  That little pickup sure sounds awesome going down the long course at speed!  I can hardly wait til next year :D

Bob K

Tony and Janice, it was great meeting you finally. Have got the rooms for next year should you decide to come back.

Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?