OT Thinking of moving to New Zealand

Started by BFS57, August 26, 2012, 09:35:55 AM

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Living in America is not much different to living in Australia or New Zealand, just not exactly the same.

The Geography is similar, as it the weather, depending on which part of which country you live.

All the same bad things exist in each country only difference is the scale.

But y'know what is different, generally speaking, the people of America, that's the USofA are much more friendly than folks in the South Pacific.

Travelling around the globe has taught me something that looking over the fence or out the window never could, that is, that the grass aint always greener on the other side of the street.  The other thing I've learned is that life is what you make of it and I have many US pals who've made the most of it, just as I have many pals here in my own country with the same attitude.

Just thought I'd share that with ya'all.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Yep i agree grazza,we never agreed to hand our guns in they took them by force and laws ,now only the thugs have the guns and they can do whatever they like to an unarmed population,,check out the crime stats and all gun related ,You yanks keep your bloody guns cause without them evil will overcome .Now as far as NZ goes well most of them are over here so you will be a bit lonely there if you settle there ,that is of course you really like sheep ,thats how we got kiwies ,they bred sheep with poms ,sorry paul ,its  an aussie joke


I thought all Aussie's carried rifles and carried long knives. I'm disillusioned. Honest people follow the laws. Dishonest people use the laws
to their advantage.
  As Dorthy said " there is no place like home". Americans do have their own sense of humor. We give each other crap all the time.


QuoteWe give each other crap all the time.

 Gee  Mike ....

How can we give each other Carps ...He's down in  Oz.....oops........ :oops:

 Gotta stop speed reading ........ :roll:

 Them Aussie feller's seem like a nice enough bunch.. 'Cept fer always puttin' the tiller on the wrong side of the car .....'Course I spose that makes it easier to drive on the wrong side of the road  :?:  :?:  ...  :idea:  :lol:

Bob..... :wink:
1940 Oldsmobile- The "Ugly Olds"
1931 Ford sedan- Retirement project

***** First Member of Team Smart*****


Come to Canada. :D  We share virtually everything with you here. We would welcome you :D . Have two homes with hotrods in the garages and just travel back and forth. Forget over there and stay here with your brothers and friends (us canadians included) Or better yet, don't worry so much about what's going on with the economy, enjoy today and your hotrod. :wink:
The grass always looks greener but it rarely ever is. :roll:
What\'s that noise?,,, Never mind,, I\'ll check it later


I was thinking the same thing. Come on up. You may or may not know it but Canada is not covered in ice. There are a lot of places in Canada that are warmer in the winter than most of USA. Yes, you can own a hand gun here. No, you can not carry it on the street like the cowboys down there. We do have hot rods. With the strong Canuck dollar, sometimes they can be cheaper up here than down there.
There are no abandoned cities here, such as Detroit and other ugly places there. If you win the lottery, there are no taxes.
I would avoid cities like Toronto and Vancouver. Just way too big for me. Don't even think about Keebek, too many frogs there.
Anyway, come up for a visit. I have a spare room.


I always heard that if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence it could just be the septic tank.

I spent a few years traveling  the globe. Some of it voluntarily, some of it not so much. I love Australia but wasn't there very long. I also had a great time for a couple of years in Europe. I met a lot of good people everywhere I went and made life long friends.

Don't believe everything you read or hear in the news about the USA. Just remember that the deviates, miscreants, liberals and assorted freedom/liberty haters are very much in bed with the news media over here so their rantings are all that you hear. The vast majority of Americans are wholesome, moral, family oriented individuals who respect other's rights and just want to live the dream.

We also respect our constitution. That's why my wife and I both carry. As a matter of fact we were shopping for some new hardware yesterday. Target shooting is a great pastime but being prepared for the bad guys is just plain good common sense.



They took our guns off us. Under various amnestys and buy backs
You need a permit and go through hoops to get one and this is for rifles.
Hand guns, more red tape.
The idea was to keep us safe. Yet crims get unfetted access to them .
As for immigration.
We must have more New Zealanders here than are actually in New Zealand :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: .
My wife is descended from penal colony stock. circa 1830,s .
If you want to enter Australia today.  Simply get on a boat in Indonesia having dumped all your Id and head our way.   Our Naval taxi service  will pick you up and you claim asylum .  You then access health care / housing/welfare.   And if we knock you back you can access legal aid and tie the system up for years   :roll:  :roll:  :roll: .
No need to formally apply to enter the country. Takes too long  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


A further footnote.
On the radio this morning there was some discussion on how NZ is dealing with the unemployed and transition to work.
Airline tickets to Australia  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll: .
This must have popped up somewhere in the print media.