Another Grease Question

Started by Arnold, October 05, 2012, 10:06:02 AM

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My old work van..(94 GMC)..obviouslly the older style more exposed(fully)hinges,pins.(Rear doors)

  I spray it with white grease every year..and this only lasts so long before I can barely open the doors. I keep a can of Liquid Wrench under the seat..a quick spray..and I am good to go for a while.
 I  have never used PB I bought some. This stuff just did not work? Period. The Liquid Wrench works instantly. The PB just does nothing
Even when left on..repeatedly sprayed. I have since used it for other stuff and seems to be ok..although I have not compared it to anything else.
I have even left the PB on to do nothing..and then sprayed it with the Liquid Wrench and that worked instantly. I have nothing against PB..have
heard great stuff about it.Just does not work here.

  Anyway..I go to buy some more of the white grease..the stuff I always buy..they are out. The only thing they have is some 3M white grease stuff with some rust figthing thing in it. White grease is white grease I figure so I just buy it as opposed to buying/having no white grease around.

 I spray the hinges..

 The next day the hinges are OOZING rust and crap.Clearly something going on here. This has not happened before! The 3M stuff did something..Or reacted with the PB that has been sprayed on a lot! for the last year. I dunno..maybe it took a year for the PB to work? Maybe this 3M stuff WITH the PB just did the trick? I did spray the hinges on my other vehicles with the 3M  that have never had anything else..they just re-acted like it was just white grease..nothing.
 Anyway..the hinges work like brand new now.

 Maybe PB followed by this 3M White grease is the plan for hinges.

wayne petty

glad you found something that works for you..

i have used a Zoom spout oiler with what they call Turbine oil in it to oil hinges..

HVAC suppliers have it.. some hardware stores.. usually about 3 bucks a bottle..

i think its mostly proper sewing machine oil....