The T Bird Deuce story - a new web page

Started by 47convert, December 15, 2011, 02:03:22 AM

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Two years ago, a buddy of mine and myself started searching for a '32 Roadster that was once owned by a friend of ours who had developed Cancer and had wondered whatever had become of his old Hot Rod. We searched and found a number of different owners and learned that the car had been sold to a guy in the USA and he had, in turn, sold it to someone else. We had that guy's name but couldn't find him and that's where the search ended. Then, months later another old friend who lives 2 hours from me sent me an email with a picture of this car saying it had been the car that had inspired him to get into Hot Rods back in the late 50s and that a guy he knew had owned the car in 1963 and was looking for it and could I help since he knew the car had been in the Windsor Ontario area for quite some time. We got together with this former owner and really began to seach. We found it and John was able to buy it back after 47 years. This new website tells the story. We have now found 22 owners of this great old Hot Rod since it was built in 1955! The latest owner (#22) was also the 4th owner back in 1963 and he has produced this website which reveals the history of the car, a story I wrote for a couple of publications and a short video that was shot back in 1959 as an army recruitment film. Pretty cool site - enjoy


That is a great story, it's really a wonder that car stayed intact and in the same area all these years. I live across the river from Sarnia, but I doubt i ever saw the car when it was there...I was about ten years old then, but I'm sure i would remember it if i had seen it. I probably saw the car in the black with flames stage, it does look familiar, at shows in the Detroit area. I have several friends from the London/St. Thomas area who may know this car also, they have been rodders from the '60's and some still have the car they owned back then. Ay least one is a member here and may chime in on this thread if he knows anyhting about this car or the owners.

Uncle Bob

That is pretty darn neat, all those years, and still able to trace it through so many transactions.  Love it!
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity meet.

Charlie Chops 1940

Nice web site. I remember seeing that car at Nats North when it was held at the fair grounds in Detroit. A real survivor to say the least. I think I appreciate the cars that keep some of their identity more since I have owned my "40 Chevy for almost 33 years now.

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but, a true friend will be sitting next to you saying. "Wow...that was fun!"

Poster geezer for retirement....

A Hooligan!