Hard typing under water...

Started by Rayvyn, August 12, 2004, 12:44:47 PM

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Man, what a drastic turn on the Bell curve of weather. I left Loovul this past Sunday when it was 74*, sunny and breezy. Perfect weather.

Now 4 days later, I have a Hurricane projected to hit center mass on my home county here in Florida. Of course we're only about 5 feet above sea level here, and a good rain causes flooding over the entire area, so a hurricane shouldn't be that bad, right?

Time to button the house up, tie the outdoor furniture to the fence, bring in anything that might go sailing thru the windows, park the cars as far up the driveway as I can, and get out the scuba gear.

See ya'll in a couple of days. Welcome to paradise my A##.   County officials ordered a mandatory evacuation of all low lying areas starting at 6:00 pm tonight.  2 roads going North, 3 bridges to the east, and 1 bridge South is all that connects us to the mainland. And a population of just over 1 million folks in the county. This is gunna be real fun. Does Home Depot sell canoes??
***SFC-Team Smart***

What can a bird do that a man can\'t?

Whistle through his pecker...

Ohio Blue Tip

Hang on!  Find a nice Blues Bar further inland and hang for a while.  Sure was fun at the Nats eh? 8)
Some people try to turn back their odometers
Not me, I want people to know "why" I look this way.
I\'ve traveled a long way and some of the
roads weren\'t paved.



Git your butt across one of those bridges,and come on up to Ohio.....
Beer is cold,sun is shining,and the Mopar Nats are this weekend in Columbus.
We have a bar,a pool table and a spare room...........
If we are what we eat.........
Then I am fast,cheap and easy.


I saw that on the news, and was thinking of you. Our weather here is crappy, but not THAT crappy! Good luck, and report in when you can. Probably see you this winter, if Florida doesn't sink into the sea like Atlantis!
Manitoba Street Rod Association


Brian,Saw the weather report as well and wondered if you might be affected....Good luck and be safe!It was nice meeting you this past weekend...looks like you should have hung around there a bit longer!Keep us posted when you can!
"The one who dies with the most friends wins"


Hope the worst of the weather bypassed you down there.  My Dad is in St Petersburg right now at my sister's place.  Flew in on Thursday in preparation to help her drive back to Iowa as she's moving back north.

Hope the house held up OK, she's supposed to close the sale Monday.  That'd be just the luck to have it blow apart on Friday.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)