My Computer software

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, August 01, 2004, 02:26:06 PM

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Many months ago you folks here pointed me in directions to help solve a conflict in my PC and the local network I have set up in  the house.

The main PC worked well but had issues still.  Near every 3-4 weeks it acted up on 'start up'.  I would need to do the "3 finger salute' to close programs to get a clean start up.  OK , as you guys know things do not EVER get better by themselves.  I'd have to re-boot over and over till the machine fired up cleanly.

Soon..... I could NOT view most photos on the internet some nights.  At Mart's hotrod site I could not even view his icons on the web page some nights... NOT all nights though.  Absolutely NO consistency in the trouble from night to night. It appeared to be a security settings issue with other problems.

After an exhaustive search on the internet , inside my machine , updates from software  companies to my machine and ........ the results are IN!

I shut off my "auto-start" part of the Winproxy networking software. I must start the Winproxy software manually.   My machine has not even farted since then. Clean start-ups and shut downs

I can view the photos on the various sites again ie: HAMB , Mart's , etc........  :D

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


What version of Windows are you using?

Have you uninstalled programs that you don't know what they are? A lot of junk can get installed over a couple of years that have no business being there. Only the security updates that appear at the bottom should be off limits for uninstalls.

I like to run Windows Update about once a week, set anti-virus to update once every day or every other day at most.

Also use two different spyware removals and defrag once a week.

Kinda like adding gas and changing oil in a car.

In my opinion..if you are running anything older than Windows XP or Windows 2000, you are cuasing yourself more grief than needed and would be much happier upgrading. Of course it's not free :(



Steve I am using windoze ME on this machine.

My virus stuff is on auto update... usually 3-4 times a week it does it's thing for updates.  Although........... that is a new problem.  I paid for a new year with Norton/Symantec.  My virus program will NOT accept the subscription number  key they sent and will NOT update the subscription date.

The anti-virus part is still up dating ( not expired yet), but the subscription will not update.  The email response I received  from Norton's third world employee is less than helpful.  I assume it's a third world since the person's name needs a few vowels in it for me to read.  

2 follow up emails from me to them has resulted in nothing

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


Dump the Norton and get AVG anti-virus at www.grisoft .com   It's FREE ,has daily updates(FREE) and doesn't bug you to pay over and over and over again. I had Nortons auto update turned off and it still drove my firewall nuts trying to access the net.  Try AVG and you may never go back. :idea:
I got lost in thought, it was unfamiliar territory!


Just my personal opinion .....from experience. The sooner you dump ME and upgrade to XP Home edition the happier you will be.

I won't say that it's causing your Norton Problem, but maybe. I know it's not cheap, but it really will get rid of a lot of problems and be much more stable. The upgrade program ususally works well and most of your stuff stays in place, just a slightly modified look to things.

If you paid for the Norton program renewal you should get it to work. I'd call them on the phone. Yeah a lot of companies are subcontracting their support out to India these days to try to save money. I hate that, and purposely did NOT buy a Dell computer this last purchase because they did that. I went with a local small computer place.

I can't say what programs are good and what is not, but I only trust Norton myself.



I just gave up on IBM hardware and Winders based software, got me a big ole Apple 2.0ghz G5 Dual processors and a couple of gig of memory.  This puppy gives a whole new meaning to the term "Hot Rod Computer".

The IBM clone manuals tell you not to do this, don't add that etec. etc.  The Apple manual says the opposite and give clear instructions on how to open the box and soup up what's inside for even more performance.

Since it runs on the same software that drive the internet, it's really quite fast even using dial-up connection.

Yup, I was impressed when I started using the I Mac at work, the G5 has made me a one eyed convert.   This puppy don't even stop to take a breath, let alone fart.    :lol:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "mopar2dr"Dump the Norton and get AVG anti-virus at www.grisoft .com   It's FREE ,has daily updates(FREE) and doesn't bug you to pay over and over and over again. I had Nortons auto update turned off and it still drove my firewall nuts trying to access the net.  Try AVG and you may never go back. :idea:

I use AVG too, and have had no Virus problems since installing it. I also run two different spyware programs, and use another program called "Ultra WinCleaner". The WinCleaner program removes a bunch of the crap that slows your computer down. I run it about three times a week and it usually finds and deletes anywhere from 9 to 15MB worth of Junk.


Quote from: "Carps"I just gave up on IBM hardware and Winders based software, got me a big ole Apple 2.0ghz G5 Dual processors and a couple of gig of memory.  This puppy gives a whole new meaning to the term "Hot Rod Computer".

Since it runs on the same software that drive the internet, it's really quite fast even using dial-up connection.

Yup, I was impressed when I started using the I Mac at work, the G5 has made me a one eyed convert.   This puppy don't even stop to take a breath, let alone Sexy.    :lol:

========== I own both Mac & PC puters.  The browser on the iMac runs real slow for some reason.

Grisoft anti-virus allowed abuddys machines to get infected.  I imagine there are so many new viruses daily it will hapen.

Mac platform has 5% of the virus problems that the PC world does.  That is also about the market share they enjoy.

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I fix computers (use to for a living) and found Spybot Search & Destroy by PK Software (free) does the best job plus it immunizes your system against over 1,000 spybots!  Go to Google and type in the whole name.  Be careful, there are a lot of programs that have a similar name that actually add their own spyware.  As to the Norton issue, you have a virus that is crippling the install.  Go to Norton web site and they will have the procedure to remove the infection.