L'ville is HOT

Started by Bob K, August 03, 2004, 06:10:29 PM

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Bob K

Just got here, it's 105 and I lost the air half way here.

B :twisted: B
Have you ever wondered how your mother knew enough about people like me to warn you about us?


Quote from: "Faat Rod"Just got here, it's 105 and I lost the air half way here.

B :twisted: B

Yikes; To bad about you losing your air. I'll bring a bag of hot air with me to fill you back up; think about it.

I'm impressed that you're able to connect while on the road, you techy you.

I didn't congratulate you on your top 5 finish because you were gone by the time I saw your post but now that I see your mobile, "good one".

See you tomorrow as I'm leaving with Joe at 5am. He couldn't make the 2pm departure time. Now there's a surprise........Roomy
Tell the National Guard to mind the grocery store...