What was he thinking?

Started by enjenjo, July 16, 2010, 11:16:09 PM

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Quote from: "Crosley"I have learned that tail gaters  on the expressway  usually do not like my wind shield washers ,  specially the motorcycle guys.  The Jetta's winder washer sprayer works real well

LOL i like that hehe
Most people have a higher than average number of legs.


I never used to get that with the pickup, but now I find with the new Mustang that guys are hiding in my blind spot all the time.  I almost got nailed in New Mexico last month from one.  I don't know if they are sitting there looking at the car or what.


when I trailer the Falcon to the drag strip , I often have folks along side the trailer taking fotos.  Makes no sense to take pics of a ratty old Falcon

 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I'll get those guys who want to pace me on the Interstate, pretending they're going faster than me but not really.  The first time I come up to a slower car in my lane I'll pull in front of my shadow, as long as I know I'm clear.  Stab the throttle for a few seconds if that's what it takes.  No real danger of getting hit because they've spent miles "passing" me already.  They always complete the pass as soon as I pull back into the right lane, though.

I had a neighbor who collected 3 times on rear end accidents, wore a neck brace like it was jewelry.  Eventually she ended up with a bad back and permanent pain.  One morning on the way to work, shortly after I bought a new car she came flying around me, ducked into a space that was really too small and nailed the brakes HARD coming up to a stoplight.  At that point there was no question what we always suspected was true...she was a scammer.
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


So last night, after another cruise night, going down the same road, woman in a BMW, on a cell, taking up both lanes. :roll: I blew the horn, she moved over long enough to let me pass, and then was right back at it.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


I see.  Now it makes sense.  The problem is the road.  :)
Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. Eric Hoffer  (1902 - 1983)


I've tried the horn but I don't have one....................so I just yell really loud.

I try not to do the road rage stuff. When in the coupe, I find  I need to be very defensive. Poeple drive in the blind spot. They drift over into my lane while looking in their mirror. Trucker are the worst. People pass and then slow down in front of me so I have to pass them again. Drive next to me so they can take pictures. IT'S great having a COOL CAR :lol: .    Everyone from Nebraska (except 40) drives in the passing lane. They must learn it in driver training. I prefer driving on the autobahn where you clear the rear. Trucks have less than 2 minutes to make a pass. They take their driving more serious than here. My golden rule is to never endanger anyone else. No road rage. This can be from the guy yelling like crazy in your rear view mirror or someone who thinks they don't need to move over because they are going the speed limit. My favorite is the guys who pass at the same speed as the person they are passing. This is a trucker favorite. When I do get around these guys, I slow down and make them start down shifting. OOPS road rage. There I feel better now. Ready for another coupe ride.............. :lol:

58 Yeoman

I left work this afternoon, and as I came into the small neighboring town, two teenage boys in a car pulled out in front of me and went slow.  Geez.  When I got to my town, an old(er) geezer ran a stop sign right in front of me on a small scooter.  I let him have the horns all the way.

So, I pick up my wife at home, as I'm going to a doctors appt. in Peoria, and we're driving through a larger neighboring town when a guy in his 30's almost runs a stop sign right in front of me on a 4 lane through town.  Gee whiz, what is it with these people?  I told my wife that I'm getting a large truck and start running over them.
I survived the Hyfrecator 2000.

"Life is what happens when you're making other plans."
1967 Corvair 500 2dr Hardtop
1967 Corvair 500 4dr Hardtop


Quote from: "enjenjo"Tonight, after the cruise I went to, I was taking the Marlin back to the storage garage I keep it in. I was on a 4 lane road, in the left lane. A Honda Accord came up in the right lane, and disappeared? :shock:  I soon passed another car in the right lane, and the Honda appeared again behind me. as soon as I passed the third car, he got back in the right lane, and pulled back into my blind spot, and stayed there! This makes me nervous, so I slowed down to let him pass, I don't like knowing  there is a car there, and not being able to see it. He slowed to keep pace with me! So, I hit the brakes, he passed me, and I swung in behind him. At that point, he speeded up, and drove on down the road.  This happens all the time, even with the daily driver. What are these people thinking?

your first mistake was actually assuming that he was capable of thinking..

chimp koose

I drive a beat up old truck. I try to drive respectfully,but given the condition of 'mater' people tend to give me room.I guess they figure if it comes to a close call I have nothing to lose.I mentioned to my wife the other day that a lot of people drive like they were actually boating.


Driving down here to N.C. from Michigan makes me wonder how people aren't just bouncing off each other all over the place. We had one lady in an old minivan that was a great one. I was on cruise and went past her while she was on the phone, then she passes me back and slows down so I go around her again, now she's on the phone and eating too. A couple miles farther on she must have finished her meal or her phone call and flies by me again. Five minutes alter she's back beside me and on the phone again. I picked it up about five M.P.H. and got away from her.... :lol: