What makes you enjoy driving your hot rod?

Started by kb426, January 24, 2010, 06:12:27 PM

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Quote from: "kb426"What hair?

ol  flub cat  does not like the idea that I am balding ,   yet   he has less hair than I do  and he is  younger .


 Plutophobia (Fear of money)


I remember my Dad say driving a Hot Rod is like going down the street with your fly open. Everybody looks then acts like they are not looking. Then they will just stare at you. I just love it !!!
I love to drive something that I built. Not many people can say that.
I go for Safety, then good driveability and looks are way down on the list.
We have a GREAT Hobby !!!


I like driving through a small town on a sunday in the Marlin. The pipes echo off the buildings, and every one looks. Then just cruise out of town.
Welcome to hell. Here's your accordion.


Quote from: "enjenjo"I like driving through a small town on a sunday in the Marlin. The pipes echo off the buildings, and every one looks. Then just cruise out of town.

Keep telling yourself it's the pipes and not the color that's makes them look!!!  :D  :lol:  :D

Fat Cat

Quote from: "phat46"
Quote from: "enjenjo"I like driving through a small town on a sunday in the Marlin. The pipes echo off the buildings, and every one looks. Then just cruise out of town.

Keep telling yourself it's the pipes and not the color that's makes them look!!!  :D  :lol:  :D

The pipes get their attention the color keeps it.



Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift.


Quote from: "Learpilot"I remember my Dad say driving a Hot Rod is like going down the street with your fly open. Everybody looks then acts like they are not looking. Then they will just stare at you. I just love it !!!

I agree with you on this, Rick. And there is a real satisfaction in driving one that you built.
'32 3W

I write novels, too. https://lsjohanson.com


I had never seen my '40 Chevy Sedan being driven down the road until I wanted to take two vehicles to a car show in town. So I started talking about it at work and had already been talking to my future wife about trying to get two of them to the car show. She asked me if she could help me drive one of them to it and I said yes. Turns out it was our first date. She had very much fun driving the '40 and I enjoyed seeing it cruise down the road.

I like it when you get a long line of old cars traveling together to an event. Every gas stop is a car show. So many times when driving home from Louisville, KY we would get down the highway a little bit and make a stop. Folks would come up to the cars and ask where is the car show. We would tell them that it was up at Louisville and they just missed it.
A street rod is a vehicle made before 1949 that is modified with modern stuff: bigger motors; newer trans; updated suspension, front & rear; a/c.
Following is a street rod plus definition: No known definition because it changes.



For me this is an easy question as I've answered this one many times before. The satisfaction of driving a car I started building  myself as a 20 yr old  is without doubt the biggest thrill. Also being a T Bucket gives me a thrill like none of my other rods do. The open car feel where you can see your wheels turning,sitting over the motor,the side pipes singing along side me. Man that's hard to beat.
It's without doubt my favorite rod but sometimes hopping into the 34 sdn with it's radio,windscreen wipers and heater just can't be beat.
I would have liked to have said the wind in my hair but :(  
I enjoy the different reactions I get from my cars. The kids really get excited over the bucket and the older folk really dig the sdn.
One time when in the bucket I was stopped at a red light and a guy opposite me was turning  and watching me at the same time run over the island in the middle of the road.
I remember once pulling into a golf club and a bunch of our elder statesmen run over for a look, they were so excited to see it but when one asked what sort of motor....well man when I said SBC he said come on guys there's nothing to see here. :lol:  
Yeah it's good fun. 8)
I maybe from down under but I know which way is up.
Oh hell there goes another head rush.


My enjoyment is two fold. I really like driving my 32 Vicky. I even kind of change into another person when I am behind the wheel, I don't know what it is but I really enjoy driving a guided missile down the highway.
on the second count, my daily driver is a 57 chevy. I love driving this car as well but it really isn't as flashy as the Victoria. Once when I was parking at Wal Mart some guy driving by asked if that was the one with the Hemi in it!?
Just love it!
Some day after this ugly economy get better I hope to have some body work and spruce up that old Chevy!



For me it's a lot of things, the joy of driving something that I built from scratch, the looks on peoples faces when you pull up along side them at the lights and they can see the blown motor staring back at them.

Knowing that if I want to I can beat anyone else off the lights, and it goes around corner just a good.

Or when, on it's maden voyage with my then two young daughters along for the ride when one turns to me and said, "daddy why are all those people waving at us?". That's because we are cruising in a hotrod, I said.
Her reply, "but daddy doesn't everyone have a hotrod?. Priceless :D
If you can\'t fix it with a hammer, you\'ve got an electrical problem


I guess we all are "closet exibitionalists" LOL.  I love to drive my ratty '37 We live in a small town, and I have the only '37  'vert. Here in Lake Havasu there are literally dozens of high price gold chain cars but , I get nothing but good comments  from my ride.


The Hot Rods I have built have been daily drivers. I seem to have more than enough people telling me what I've done or are doing wrong so it's best for me to have time where I'm not worried about what people are thinking. When I build something I'd rather not have it smarter than me. That way I know when something is wrong rather than have a computor shine a light to tell me. GPster


"I seem to have more than enough people telling me what I've done or are doing wrong so it's best for me to have time where I'm not worried about what people are thinking." That's quite a statement. That could fit for alot of us.