Toyota stops sales of 8 models of cars

Started by Crosley.In.AZ, January 27, 2010, 07:39:54 AM

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It seems to me that The gov. and Toyota would rather find out that the drivers are lying instead of finding the problem. Toyota said the black box indicated that the driver went back and forth 250 times between the brake and accelerator. (This was the Prepuce in California.) What was the time frame on this? 2 minutes or 10 hours? I use both peddle quite often also. Also his brake pads were wore out. Maybe trying to stop a car that doesn't want stop might put some wear on them. I'm assuming ( i know) the drivers are telling the truth. They're stories seem to indicate that no matter what they do, they can't get the car to stop. Do you have to hold the start button for 3 second? Take the key out of your pocket and throw it out the window? Not all Americans are liars or media hounds.
 I've posted on here before that no car is as good as people think the Japanese cars are. They wouldn't need a service department.
 The news media never give us enough info or ask the right questions for any informed opinion by us. They just steer you this way, than back the other way. Any topic.
  Just by Toyota knowing about this years earlier indicates to me they might not be on the up and up about they're  computors not being the problem. They just as well replace these computors now because we all know they're cars are all going to run another 50 years each. :oops:


If they fixed the problem earlier, instead of trying to deny it,
they wouldn't have Copy Cat idiots trying to jump on the band wagon.